coals of Pennsylvania. The coals, though all bituminous, are of many kinds and qualities. The amount mined during the past fifteen years had increased in a very rapid ratio from 11,000 tons in 1870 to 2,225,000 tons in 1885; and the amount of coke manufactured from 60,781 tons in 1880 to 304,509 tons in 1885. The Warrior coal-field has besides its coal three or four seams of blackband iron-ore, considerable clay ironstone, great quarries of the best of building and paving stones, and forests of most excellent timber.
A Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Edited by Sir George Grove. London and New York, Part XXII: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 134. Price, $1.
The present part completes the text of this important and comprehensive work, although an appendix and a full index are announced as in preparation. The "Dictionary" as a whole bears ample evidence of the scholarship and careful research of its editor and contributors. It is worthy of a place among the best cyclopædias, while it is also of great account as a literary work and has a very high value as a book of reference. A course of musical instruction might be gathered from the articles in it. It gives accounts of all the different kinds and styles of music; those of the different nations, of different epochs, of the different schools, those which mark the individual traits of composers, those which respond to peculiarities of the people, and those which illustrate or are illustrated bypassing events. The several kinds of compositions are described, defined, and distinguished. The various instruments have places among the articles. Biographies are given of all musicians, including composers and performers, who have made their names known, which are full according to the importance of the subject. In short, whatever pertains to the history, character, and accessories of music, is treated, or intended to be treated, in its alphabetical order, in the four volumes. The literary merits of the longer articles make the book desirable from that point of view. The present part contains the articles from "Waltz" to "Zwischenspiel," or the end of the list. The fullest and most interesting among them is Dr. Philipp Spitta's account of Carl Maria von Weber and his works, which occupies more than forty pages, and is bright with the warmth of the writer's appreciation of the brilliant composer and his inspiring music.
Report of Spencer F. Baird, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, for the Year 1885-'86. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 83.
Among the interesting features of this report is the account of the growth of the National Museum, which included, at the time of reporting, 2,420,934 "lots" of specimens. Among the special collections are to be noted that of scientific instruments, to many of which rare historical associations are attached; the baskets, throw-sticks, and sinew-backbones; the aboriginal American pottery; the department of invertebrate fossils, which contains more than 81,000 specimens; and the department of fossil and recent botany, which has been considerably enriched. In field-work, accounts are given of explorations of stone-villages in Arizona and New Mexico—which are decided to be the work of still-existing tribes—and of studies among living Indians.
Twentieth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology. Professor F. W. Putnam, Curator. Cambridge, Mass. Pp. 74.
The museum has now become a department of Harvard University through the recognition of Dr. Putnam, its curator, as Peabody Professor of American Archæology and Ethnology in that institution. The collections have already outgrown the capacity of the new building to fitly accommodate them, and enlargement is called for. The accessions include the Bucklin collection from ancient graves in Peru, a collection of pottery from Piura, Peru; and pottery vessels, whistles and other objects made of pottery, stone implements and carved stones, some circular and others resembling animals, from Chiriqui. The field-work included the watching of operations at the Damariscotta shell-heap, Maine, which is being removed, for human-made objects; Dr. Abbott's explorations in the Trenton gravels; mound and grave explorations in the Little Miami Valley, Ohio, where evi-