pality, and a city absorbing the county, down to the operation of the present charter, which went into effect in 1877. Mr. Snow believes that a careful study of this charter "will convince any impartial man of its great worth as a framework for a system of municipal government. The length of the term of its municipal officers; the carefully-framed provisions to secure honest registration of voters and an honest vote at the polls; the guards and checks upon all who administer the financial affairs of the city; the provisions against an undue increase of the public debt; the plan by which the important offices filled by the mayor's appointment are not vacant until the beginning of the third year of his term of office, so that as rewards of political work done during a heated campaign they are too far in the dim distance to prejudice seriously the merits of an election—these are a few of its important advantages as a plan of city government. Since its adoption it has worked well, and but few amendments have been suggested."
An Introduction to the Study of Embryology. By Alfred C. Haddon, M. A., M. R. I. A., Professor of Zoölogy in the Royal College of Science, Dublin. Illustrated. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 336. Price, $6.
This work is especially designed for medical students, and for those who have a knowledge of the main facts of comparative anatomy and systematic zoölogy. There are eight chapters, dealing with maturation and fertilization of the ovum, segmentation and gastrulation, formation of the mesoblast, general formation of the body and development of the embryonic appendages, organs derived from the epiblast, hypoblast, and mesoblast, respectively, and closing with a chapter of general considerations. Certain structures and processes which are of secondary importance, or present especially difficult problems, have been briefly mentioned or omitted. Where hypotheses have been introduced, care has been taken that the student may not mistake them for facts. Important matter has been distinguished by large type, and most of the figures have been so drawn as to admit of distinctive coloring. The classification of genera adopted is embodied in an appendix. The volume is furnished also with an analytical table of contents, an index, and a bibliography.
The Claim of Moral Insanity in its Medico-Legal Aspects. By James Hendrie Lloyd, M. D., Philadelphia. Pp. 16.
The author, who has had a large experience with cases of insanity, has not seen one case which answers to the description given in the books, of moral insanity; that is, of pure and simple dislocation of the moral nature; but all cases were accompanied with perversions of the understanding. He believes, therefore, that the conception of "the cerebrum as an individual unit, whose special act is always a reflex process of ideation, tends to a satisfactory definition and classification of insanity, as well as to an intelligible application of our knowledge to the solution of medico-legal questions much superior to anything attainable by the distinctions of the metaphysicians or the arbitrary tests of the judges."
The Fortunes of Words. Letters to a Lady. By Federico Garlanda, Ph. D. New York: A. Lovell & Co. Pp. 225. Price, $1.25.
This is a series of popular essays on English philology, which, together with much curious and useful information, conveys a vivid idea of the contrast between the modern method of scientific research in the department of language and the ways of the old etymologists. Separate chapters show how the development of industry, ethical feelings, the color-sense, and calculation may be traced in language. In another chapter the chief reasons why words change their meanings are given. The author does not utterly condemn slang, but points out that language gains some of its most vigorous expressions from the better class of slang.
Health Lessons. A Primary Book. By Jerome Walker, M. D. Illustrated. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 194. Price, 56 cents.
No child can fail to be interested and instructed by this little book. The subject matter is embodied in simple and vivid language, and is illustrated by an abundance of original and entertaining pictures. These