floe, which drifted southward, and was frequently broken up by storms. To add to the horror of their situation, the arctic night set in the sun disappearing early in December, and not reappearing until the end of January—day being distinguishable from night only by the diurnal streak of light which appeared on the southern horizon. Fortunately the party had rifles and ammunition, and prolonged their lives by killing a few seals, bears, and birds. This life of almost indescribable suffering was continued for over six months, or 197 days. They were at last rescued off Newfoundland by the British steamer Tigress, after having drifted in winter upon the ice a distance of more than 1,500 miles. That the party all survived, and were saved at last in good health, was attributed to the admirable discipline of the company under the intrepid management of Captain Tyson. Of the scientific results of the expedition we as yet know little, but shall perhaps learn more when the Polaris, in charge of Captain Buddington, returns, as she is expected to do this summer.
JOHN STUART MILL, the great English philosopher, is no more. He was born in London, May 20, 1806, and was consequently near sixty-seven years old at the time of his death. His father was James Mill, a man of philosophical intellect and wide attainments, and author of two celebrated works, "The History of British India," and "The Phenomena of the Human Mind." Instead of being sent to school, the son was carefully educated at home under his father's supervision, and in accordance with his ideas. His early education was thoroughly classical, and he was led into the paths of philosophical inquiry in which his father was distinguished. The elder Mill had long been employed in the service of the East India House, and, in 1823, when the son was seventeen years old, his father secured for him a position in the same establishment, which he continued to hold for 35 years. He thus early came in possession of more than a competence, and with abundant leisure to cultivate the rare resources of his mind, and to take his place as a leader of modern thought. While yet a very young man, he contributed various essays of a bold and thoughtful character to the Edinburgh and Westminster Reviews, and, some years later, he became editor and proprietor of the latter periodical. In 1843, when he was thirty-eight years old, he published the great work which established his world-wide reputation, "The System of Logic;" and, in 1848, appeared his elaborate treatise, "The Principles of Political Economy." In 1851, at the age of forty-five, he married Harriet, daughter of Thomas Hardy, Esq., and widow of John Taylor, a Lon-