value of the lectures is given in a request which was made by the editor of the "Sanitary Record," London, for permission to republish them.
The principal aim of Mr. Gerhard's book is to instruct the householder respecting the main features of a sanitary house-inspection, particularly in the matter of searching for defects in the arrangements. First is considered the inspection of city houses as to their surroundings and soil, the cellar, yard, structural details, sewerage and plumbing, water-supply, method of garbage disposal, arrangements for warming, gas-lighting, ventilation, for exclusion of bad odors, prevention of dust, and for safety against tire; next, are articles on apartment-houses and tenement-houses, on country-houses, which, like city-houses, are treated in detail, and on summer boarding-houses and summer resorts.
Marvels of Animal Life. By Charles Frederick Holder. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, Pp. 240, with Plates. Price, $2.
The aim of this inviting volume is to interest youth in natural history by pointing out the attractive side and so presenting its interesting features that they will go out and become investigators for themselves. It relates wholly to marine life. Many of the observations chronicled in it, the author says, "were made during a long residence upon a coral reef or atoll, some while swimming under water along the bristling coral banks that formed a characteristic feature of our tropical home, and others are the memories of many practical collecting tours in various localities." The author displays much talent in presenting the brighter sides of his pictures.
Rudder Grange. By Frank R. Stockton. Pp. 322. Price $1.25. The Last Meeting. By Brander Matthews. Pp. 268. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
"Ruder-Grange" is an amusing sketch of experiments in housekeeping, rather fanciful than real, we judge, which we have lead with much pleasure, and can commend as all healthy and good for a leisure moment. "The Last Meeting" has a more elaborate plot and greater variety of incident, and appears to deal with sadder scenes.
The Commonwealth of Georgia: The Country, the People, and the Productions. Prepared under the direction of J. T. Henderson, Commissioner of Agriculture. Atlanta: J. P. Harrison & Co. Pp. 379. With Fifteen Maps. Price, $1.
In this work, which is published under the authority of the State, as a hand-book, the attempt is made to depict, by a series of maps, in an intelligible and acceptable way, the geology, agriculture, temperature and rainfall, water-powers, forestry, minerals, and elevations of Georgia. In the letterpress are given, with considerable detail, descriptions of the population, public institutions, government, educational establishments, newspapers, and of the fruit, grass, garden, and held products.
Natural Gas: Its Advantages, Use, and Economies. By George II. Thurston. 1885. Pittsburg: A. A. Anderson & Son, Printers. Pp. 82.
Fifth Report of the Shell-fish Commissioners of the State of Connecticut to the General Assembly, January, 1886. 1885. Middletown: Pelton & King, Printer's. Pp. 26.
Report of the Proceedings of the Illinois State Board of Health. Quarterly Meeting, Springfield, October 29, 30, 1885.
Geometrical Form of Volcanic Cones and the Elastic Limit of Lava. By George F. Becker. Reprint from the "American Journal of Science." Pp. 11.
A Contribution to the Vertebrate Paleontology of Brazil, and Second Continuation of Researches among the Batrachia of the Coal-Measures of Ohio. By E. D. Cope. 1885. Philadelphia: A. E. Foote.
On Polysynthesis and Incorporation as Characteristics of American Languages. By Daniel O. Brinton, M. D. 1885. Philadelphia: McCalla & Stavely. Pp. 41.
The Physiological and Pathological Effects of the Use of Tobacco. By Hobart Amory Hare. M. D, 1885. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 86. Illustrated.
Index to the Literature of Uranium, 1789-1885. By H. Carrington Bolton. Ph. D. 1885. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 86.
Remarks on a Supposed Fossil Fungus from the Coal-Measures. By Professor Joseph F. James. Pp. 10.
Saratoga Winter and Summer: An Epitome of the Early History, Romance, Legends, and Characteristics of the Greatest of American Resorts. By Prentiss Ingraham. New York, 1885. Pp. 110. Illustrated.
Forest Preservation In Canada. By A. T. Drummond. Montreal, 1885. Pp 7.
Introspective Insanity. By Allan McLane Hamilton, M. D. Reprint from the "American Journal of the Medical Sciences." 1885. Pp. 8.
Free Cities In the Middle Ages By L. K. Klemm, Ph. D. Hamilton. Ohio. Pp. 22.
Inaugural Exercises of the Henry Shaw School of Botany. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. 1885. Pp. 24.
Report of the Committee on Indexing Chemical Literature. By H. Carrington Bolton. Pp. 5.
Cervalces Americanus. A Fossil Moose or Elk