other ports remain to be written for the completion of the second volume of "The Principles of Sociology," viz., "Professional Institutions" and "Industrial Institutions"; but there is reason to expect that these will be completed with less delay than has occurred with Part VI. We find a notice of the present volume in the "Pall Mall Gazette," which is so excellent that we make an extract from it:
Physical Expression: Its Modes and Principles. By Francis Warner, M, D., Lond., F. R. C. P. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 372. Price, $1.75.
This is an old subject much discussed by artists, anatomists, alienists, and physiognomists, from Leonardo da Vinci onward. It has a copious literature, and, in the long list of works given by Dr. Warner in his bibliography, those of Sir Charles Bell, on the "Anatomy and Physiology of Expression," and of Charles Darwin, on the "Expression of Emotion in Man and the Lower Animals," arc prominent. But so interesting a subject as that of the physiological signs of inward states could not fail to attract multitudes of observers who have contributed to it in many aspects. Fancy and speculation, however, have outstripped science with its explanations of the double mechanism involved. There has been great recent advance in our knowledge of the