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Urethral Stricture treated by Electrolysis. One Hundred Cases. By Robert Newman, M.D. Pp. 15.

Woman’s Medical College of the New York Infirmary. Seventeenth Annual Catalogue and Announcement. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Pp. 25.

North American Species of Ramularia. Pp. 10. Cercosporæ of North America. Pp. 50. By J. B. Ellis and Benjamin M. Everhart, Manhattan, Kansas.

Parasitic Fungi of Illinois. By J. T. Burrill. Peoria Ill.: J. W. Frank and Sons. Pp. 114.

Evolution In the Vegetable Kingdom. By Lester F. Ward. Pp. 16.

Coloration of Naked Skin-Tracts of Geococcyx Californicus. By Dr. R. W. Shufeldt. Pp. 2, with Plate.

The Metric System. By John Le Conte, Berkeley, Cal. Pp. 12.

Diseases of Farm Animals. Agricultural College of Michigan. Pp. 4.

"Journal of American Acadêmê." Alexander Wilder, Editor. Monthly. Newark N. J. Pp. 24. $2 a year.

New York Cancer Hospital. First Annual Report. Pp. 29.

Notes on the Stratigraphy of California. By George F. Becker. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 28.

University of Pennsylvania: Department of Biology, Catalogue and Announcement. Pp. 9.

Bulletin of the Sedalia (Mo.) Natural History Society. F. A. Sampson, Corresponding Secretary. Pp. 30.

The Shells of Pettis County, Missouri. By F. A. Sampson, Sedalia, Mo. Pp. 16.

Consanguineous Marriages: their Effect on Offspring. By Charles F. Withington, M.D. Roxbury, Mass. Pp. 32.

American Constitutions. By Horace Davis. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp. 70. 50 cents.

On the Sensitiveness of the Eye to Colors of a Low Degree of Saturation. By Edward L. Nichols, Ph. D. Pp. 5.

The Teacher's Commercial Value. Pp. 20.

Teaching as a Business for Men. By C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse. N.Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 20.

The Relation of Annual Rings of Exogens to Age. By D. P. Penhallow. Pp. 16.

Impact Friction and Faulting. Pp. 29. The Relations of the Mineral Belts of the Pacific Slope to the Great Upheavals. Pp. 4. By George F. Becker. Washington. D. C.

Bulletin of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences, 1880-1882. C. W. Hall, Secretary. Minneapolis. Pp. 80.

The Bentley-Knight Electric Railway Company, 115 Broadway, New York. With Plates.

Measurement of the Force of Gravity and Magnetic Constants at Ogasawarajima. By A. Tanakadate. Tokio, Japan: Tokio Dalgaku. Pp. 82.

Geological Sketches of the Precious Metal Deposits of the Western United States, etc. By S. F. Emmons and G. F. Becker. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 295.

Report on the Production, Technology, and Uses of Petroleum and its Products. By S. F. Peckham. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 819.

Saxe Holm's Stories, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Two Series, Pp. 350 and 384 50 cents each.

Diccionario Tecnologico (Technological Dictionary) English-Spanish. By Nestor Ponce do Leon. Part 14. Socket to Tappet. Pp. 64. 50 cents.

Introduction à une Esthétique Scientifique (Introduction to a Scientific Æsthetics). By M. Charles Henry, Paris. Pp 31.

Meteoreisen (Meteoric Iron.) Pp. 6. Die Namen der Nutzmetalle (the names of the useful metals). Pp. 6. By Professor E. Reyer, of the University of Vienna. Vienna: Published by the author.

Sur 1a Variabilité des Anneaux du Saturne (On the Variabillty of Saturn's Rings) Pp. 24, with Plate. Changements observés sur les Anueaux du Saturne (Changes observed on Saturn's Rings). Pp. 4. The Veiled Solar Spots. Pp. 4, By E. L. Trouvelot, Observatory of Mendon. France.

A Text-Book of Medical Chemistry. By Elias H. Bartley. M.D. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 376. $2.50.

Rational Communism. The Present and the Future Republic of North America. By a Capitalist. New York: The Social Science Publishing Company. Pp. 498. $1.50.

Fownes's Manual of Chemistry. From the twelfth English edition, embodying Watts's "Physical and Inorganic Chemistry." Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co. Pp. 1056.

A Treatise on Epidemic Cholera and Allied Diseases. By A. B. Palmer. M.D. Ann Arbor, Mich.: "Register" Publishing House. Pp. 224. $1.

A Text-Book of Nursing. Compiled by Clara S. Weeks. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 396.

Analysis of Atmospheric Humidities in the United States. By Charles Denison, M.D. Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co. Pp. 30, with Plates. $1.

Practical and Analytic Chemistry. By Henry Trimble. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 94. $1.50.

Two Years in the Jungle. By William T. Hornaday. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 512, with Maps, $4.

A Wheel of Fire. By Arlo Bates. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 383. $1.

Color Studies. By Thomas A. Janvier. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 227. $1.

Modern Moulding and Pattern-Making. By Joseph P. Mullin. M.E. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 257.

The Heart, and how to take Care of it. By Edwin M. Hale. M.D. Chicago. New York: A. L. Chatterton Publishing Company Pp. 94.

Water Meters. By Ross E. Browne. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 89. 50 cents.

The Preservation of Timber by the Use of Antiseptics. By Samuel Bagster Boulton. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 223. 50 cents.


The New Star.—Astronomers have been surprised by the fact, which was first announced by Dr, Hartwig on the 29th of August, that a star of about the eighth magnitude had suddenly appeared in the middle of the great nebula of Andromeda. This nebula, the most conspicuous of all the phenomena of the kind, has long been regarded as a stellar nebula, since Mr. Huggins showed that its spectrum possessed the characteristics of stellar spectra, but it has never been resolved. The appearance of the new star within it, if it belong to it, which is not yet ascertained, may mark some important movement going on within it. The star was seen, within a few days of

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