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vass is mere chaff and rubbish, that such a document as this of Spencer's will make its successful appeal. Of the character of these papers it is unnecessary here to speak, but they have a living and permanent interest as masterly contributions to that phase of political inquiry which must absorb the attention of the coming generation. The problem of the function of government and the limits of its legitimate action must take precedence of all other political questions.


Modern Reproductive Graphic Processes. By James S. Pettit, First-Lieutenant, First United States Infantry. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 127. Price, 50 cents.

This little book was prepared for the use of the department of drawing of the United States Military Academy. It gives the outlines of about forty processes now in use for the reproduction of maps, drawings, and works of art, with details and formulas for such as are within the reach of amateurs. The processes are grouped as follows: Sensitive-paper processes, bektograph-printing, engraving, electrotypy, lithography, photography, and miscellaneous. Many of these processes which belong to the same group differ very little; their details are often trade secrets, and they are all, especially those in which chemicals are largely used, constantly undergoing improvements, and widening their range of application.

The Hollanders in Nova Zembla (1596-1597). An Arctic Poem translated from the Dutch of Hendrik Tollers. By Daniel Van Pelt. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 120.

This poem, the work of the most esteemed Dutch poet of the century, relates the story of the famous voyages of Barents and his companions three hundred years ago, and their over-wintering in Nova Zembla. The translation has been prepared and given to the public at the instigation of Samuel Richard Van Campen, who, greatly admiring the original and its author) and being also interested in Arctic research, sought long for a writer who could adequately present its beauties in an English dress. He found such a writer in Mr. Van Pelt, who had already begun the work of his own accord. To the translation Mr. Van Campen prefixes an historical introduction, covering the Dutch voyages of Arctic exploration.

Fifth Avenue to Alaska. By Edward Pierrepont. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 329, with Maps by L. F. Beckwith. Price, $1.75.

The author made the journey, the observations of which he has recorded in this volume, in company with his father, in the summer of 1883, by the Union Pacific Railroad, with the usual digressions to Salt Lake City, the Yosemite, and the Big Trees, via San Francisco, to Astoria, Portland, and the terminus of the Oregon and California Railroad; thence back to Portland, and through Puget Sound to Victoria; and thence to and through "the fiords, straits, bays, and inlets of Alaska, above two thousand miles." The return was by the Northern Pacific Railroad and the Yellowstone Park. What was seen is described in a simple, unaffected style, that seems designed to convey the exact impressions which the various adventures made upon the author.


The Philosophy of History and the New Science of Sociology. By J. M. Long. Memphis, Tenn. Pp. 61.

The Unification of Longitudes and a Universal Time. By Benjamin A. Gould. Buenos Ayres. Pp. 12.

Annual Festival of German Pioneers, Cincinnati. Speech of Charles Reemelin. Pp. 23.

Public Health Laws of Illinois. Springfield, Ill.: State Board of Health, John H. Rauch, Secretary. Pp. 51.

Sewerage Systems, and the Epuration of Sewage. By Henry J. Barnes. Cambridge, Mass.: Riverside Press. Pp. 48.

Life and Public Services of Grover Cleveland. By Pendleton King. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, Pp. 224. 80 cents.

Catalogue of the State Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama, Auburn. Pp. 24.

United States Hay-Fever Association, 1884. Portland, Me.: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. Pp. 86.

The Offices of Electricity in the Growth of Plants. By H. B. Philbrook, New York. Pp. 21.

Sawdust Gas. By George Walker. Pp. 15.

An Anarchist on Anarchy. By Elisée Reclus. Boston: Benjamin E. Tucker. Pp. 24.

Lightning-rod Humbugs. By J. K. Macomber. Pp. 8.

Chickering Classical and Scientific Institute, Cincinnati. Pp. 20.

Medical Education and State License. By Romaine J. Curtiss, M. D., of Joliet, Ill. Pp. 8.

Seven Hundred Album Verses. By J. S. Ogilvie. New York: J. S. Ogilvie & Co. Pp. 128. 15 cents.

Calcification and Decalcification of the Teeth By C. N. Pierce, D. D. S., Philadelphia. Pp. 7.

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