Circular of Bureau of Education on Shorthand. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 159, with Plates.
Illiteracy in the United States, by Charles Warren, M.D.; and National Aid to Education, by J. L. M. Curry, LL.D. U.S. Bureau of Education. Pp. 99.
Mississippi State Board of Health. Biennial Report, 1882-'83. Jackson, Miss. Pp. 204.
Hillocks of Angular Gravel and Disturbed Stratification. By T. C. Chamberlain. Pp. 14.
Report on the Cotton Production of the State of Florida. By Eugene Allen Smith, Ph.D. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Pp. 77, with Maps.
Report on the Cotton Production of the State of Alabama. By Eugene Allen Smith, Ph.D. Tuscaloosa. Pp. 163, with Maps.
Diccionario Tecnológico (Technological Dictionary). Spanish and English. No. 7. New York: Nestor Ponce de Leon. Pp. 48. 50 cents.
Temperature of the Atmosphere and Earth's Surface. By Professor William Berrel. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 69.
Notes on the Opium Habit. By Asa P. Meylert, M.D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 87. 40 cents.
The University: What it should do and be. By S. M. Clark. University of Iowa, Iowa City. Pp. 16.
The Science of Justice, etc. By Lysander Spooner. Boston: Cuppies, Upham & Co. Pp. 22.
The Revelations of Fibrin. By Rollin R. Gregg, M.D. Buffalo, N.Y. Pp. 7.
Theories of Color-Perception. By Swan M. Burnett, M.D. Washington, D.C. Pp. 25.
Première Application a Paris de l'Assainissement suivant le Systéme Waring (First Application in Paris of Waring's System of Sanitation). By Ernest Pontzen. Paris. Pp. 22, with Plates.
Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota, 1882. By N. H. Winchell. Minneapolis. Pp. 220, with Maps.
University of Minnesota. Calendar for 1883-'84. Pp. 123.
Contributions to the Flora of Cincinnati. By Joseph F. James. Pp. 14.
The Minnesota Valley in the Ice Age. Pp. 16; Changes in the Currents of the Ice of the Last Glacial Epoch in Eastern Minnesota. Pp. 4. By Warren Upham. Salem Press, Salem, Mass.
Neglect of Bodily Development of American Youth. By A. Reinhard. Syracuse, N.Y.: O. W. Bardeen. Pp. 16.
The Bearing of certain Determinations on the Correlation of Eastern and Western Terminal Moraines. By Professor T. C. Chamberlain. Pp. 5.
Property in Land. A Passage-at-Arms between the Duke of Argyll and Henry George. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. Pp. 77. 15 cents.
To Mexico by Palace-Car. By James W. Steele. Chicago: Jansen, McClurg & Co. Pp. 96. 25 cents.
White Elephant Chimes. Selected by P. T. Barnum. Buffalo, N.Y.: Courier Office. Pp. 51.
"Catholic"; An Essential and Exclusive Attribute of the True Church. By Right Rev. Monsignor Capel, D.D. New York: Wilcox & O'Donnel Company, and D. & J. Sadlier. Pp. 140. 50 cents.
Modern Reproductive Graphic Processes. By James S. Pettit. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 127. 50 cents.
Recent Progress in Dynamo-Electric Machines. By Professor Sylvanus V. Thompson. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 113. 50 cents.
Stadia Surveying. By Arthur Winslow, New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 148. 50 cents.
Lessons in Chemistry. By William H. Greene. M.D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. Pp. 357. $1.25.
South Carolina: Resources and Population; Institutions and Industries. Published by the State Board of Agriculture. Columbia. Pp. 726.
Systematic Mineral Record. By Edward M. Shepard. New York and Chicago: A. S. Barnes & Co. Pp. 26.
The Principals of Ventilation and Heating. By John S. Billings, LL.D. New York: "The Sanitary Engineer." Pp. 216. $3.
Commentaries on Law. By Francis Wharton, LL.D. Philadelphia: Kay & Brother. Pp. 856.
The Book of Plant Descriptions and Record of Plant Analysis. By George C. Groff, M.D. Lewisburg, Pa.: Science and Health Publishing Company. Pp. 100. 80 cents.
Forestry in Norway. By John Croumbie Brown, LL.D. Edinburgh: Oliver &. Boyd; Montreal: Dawson Brothers. Pp. 227.
Instruction of the Deaf.—Mr. Alexander Graham Bell addressed the Philosophical Society of Washington at one of its recent meetings on the subject of "Fallacies concerning the Deaf, and the Influence of those Fallacies in preventing the Amelioration of their Condition." He condemned the common phrases "deaf and dumb" and "deaf-mutes," as expressing what is not true; showing that those whom we term "deaf-mutes" have no other natural defect than that of hearing, and that they are dumb not on account of lack of hearing, but of lack of instruction. No one teaches them to speak. The gesture-language which such a child may use is developed by him at home, not because it is the only form of language natural to one in his condition, but because his parents and friends neglect to use the English language in his presence in a clearly visible form. The sign-language of our institutions is objected to as an artificial and conventional language, so far from being natural that it is not understood by deaf children on their entrance to an institution, and hearing persons can not be qualified to teach it till after many years. Practice in it hinders the acquisition of the English language; makes the deaf associate together in adult life, and avoid the society of hearing people; and thus causes the intermarriage of the deaf and the propagation of their physical defect. Dr. Bell holds that written English can be taught to deaf children so as to become their vernacular, and that, when they have been made familiar with it in either its written or spoken form, they can be taught to understand the utter-