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Report on the Exhibits at the Crystal Palace Electrical Exhibition of 1882. By Ensign Frank J. Sprague. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 169, with Plates.

Okadaira Shell-Mound at Hitachi. By I. Iijima and C. Sasaki. Tokio, Japan: Tokio Daigaku. Pp. 7, with Eleven Plates.

Chicago Manual Training School, First Annual Catalogue. Pp. 16.

Evolution and the Positive Aspects of Modern Thought. By W. D Le Sueur. Ottawa, Canada: A. S. Woodburn.

The Offices of Electricity in the Human Body. By H. B. Philbrook. New York. Pp. 81.

Washington High-School; Syllabus of the Courses in Botany and Zoölogy. By Edward S. Burgess. Pp. 89.

Wages and Tariffs. By E. J. Donnell. New York: Wilcox & O'Donnell. Pp. 47.

"The American Monthly," June, 1884. Chicago. Ill.: American Magazine Publishing Company. Pp. 100. 85 cents, $4 a year.

State Mineralogist. California, Third Annual Report Sacramento: James J. Ayres. Pp. 110.

Silver-Lead Deposits of Eureka, Nevada. Abstract of report by Joseph Story Curtis. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 24, with Map and Plates.

The Conventional Lies of Civilization. From the German of Max Nordau. Chicago: L. Schick. Pp. 860. $1.

Society for Ethical Culture, Chicago. First Annual Report of the Relief Works. Chicago: Max Stern & Co. Pp. 40.

Tokio Daigaku. Calendar for 1882-'83. Tokio, Japan: Z. P. Maruya & Co. Pp. 142.

Notes on the Volcanic Rocks of the Great Basin. By Arnold Hague and Joseph P. Iddings. Pp. 12.

Volcanic Sand at Unalashka, Alaska. By J. S. Diller. Pp. 4.

Arithmetical Aids. In box. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 20 cents.

Eleventh Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, 1883. Report of Board of Commissioners, W. W. Peabody, President. Pp. 812.

Naphthaline as an Insecticide, etc. By Dr. Thomas Taylor. Washington. Pp. 6.

Fibrine and Bacteria. By Thomas Taylor. Washington. Pp. 6.

"American Psychological Journal." Quarterly, Edited by Joseph Parrish, M.D. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. 1883. Pp. 450. $2 a year.

Alabama Weather Service, May, 1884. Montgomery, Ala. Pp. 9.

Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816. By Henry Carter Adams, Ph.D. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp. 80. 50 cents.

Criminal Responsibility of the Insane. By Orpheus Everts, M.D. College Hill, Ohio. Pp. 22.

Meteorology and Soil Temperatures at Houghton Farm. By D. P. Penhallow. Now York: "The Hub." Pp. 41, with Plates.

The Urine in Disease. By C. F. Taylor, M.D. Philadelphia: "The Medical World." Chart.

Testing Machines. By Arthur V. Abbott. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 190. 80 cents.

Symbolic Algebra. By Professor William Cain. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 131. 60 cents.

List of Water-Works. Compiled by J. J. E. Cross. New York. Pp. 8.

The Diet Question: Giving the Reason Why. By Susanna W. Dodds. M.D. New York: Fowler & Wells Company. Pp 99. 25 cents.

The Hollanders in Nova Zembla. By Daniel Van Pelt New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 120. $1.25.

Cottages; or Hints on Economical Building. Compiled and edited by A. W. Brunner. New York: William T. Comstock. Pp. 54, with Twenty-two Plates. $1.

Discoveries of America to the Year 1525. By Arthur James Weise. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 880, with Map. $4.50.

Tokology: A Book for Every Woman. By Alice B. Stockham, M.D. Chicago: Sanitary Publishing Company. Pp. 277. $2.

The Essentials of Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. By Roger S. Tracy, M.D. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 299.

Observations on Vitality of Seeds of Weeds, and Certain Diseases of Grasses. Massachusetts State Experiment Station, Amherst. Pp. 12.

Manual of the Mosses of North America. By Leo Lesquereux and Thomas P. James. Boston: S. E. Cassino & Co. Pp, 447, with Six Plates.

The Laws of Health. By Joseph C. Hutchison, M.D. New York: Clark & Maynard. Pp. 223.

Introduction to the Study of Modern Forest. Economy, By John Croumbie Brown, LL.D. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd; Montreal: Dawson Brothers, Pp. 228.

U. S Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Report for 1881, Washington: Government Printing-Office, Pp. 1,146.

La Fábula de los Caribes (The Fable of the Caribs). By Juan Ignacio de Armas. Havana: Francisco S. Ibañez. Pp. 81.

Fridolin's Mystical Marriage. By Adolf Wilbrandt. Translated by Clara Bell. New York: William S. Gottsberger. Pp. 240.


The American Association.—The Philadelphia meeting of the American Association will begin September 4th, under the presidency of Professor J. P. Lesley. The sectional Vice-Presidents are: A. Mathematics and Astronomy, H. T. Eddy, of Cincinnati; B. Physics, John Trowbridge, of Cambridge; C. Chemistry, John W. Langley, of Ann Arbor; D. Mechanical Science, R. H. Thurston, of Hoboken; E. Geology and Geography, N. H. Winchell, of Minneapolis. Biology, E. D. Cope, of Philadelphia; F. Histology and Microscopy, T. G. Wormley, of Philadelphia; H. Anthropology, E. S. Morse, of Salem; I. Economic Science and Statistics, J. Eaton, of Washington The Permanent Secretary is Professor F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge; General Secretary, Alfred Springer, of Cincinnati; Assistant General Secretary, E. S. Holden, of Madison, Wisconsin; Treasurer, William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania. The British Association has invited the members of the American Association to join in the meeting at Montreal, and the American Association and the local committee of Philadelphia have invited the members of the British Association and their companions

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