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The Topographer; His Instruments and Methods. Illustrated with numerous Plates, Maps, and Engravings. By Lewis M. Haupt, A.M., C. E. Philadelphia: J. M. Stoddart. Pp. 184. Price, $4.00.

This book is designed for the instruction of students. It opens with a chapter on "How and what to observe," which is followed by one on "The Instrumental Outfit," in which are described, with cuts, the prismatic compass, chronometer, barometer, odometer, pedometer, clinometer, sextant, hand-level, heliotrope, reflector, and range-finder, the name of some maker being given with each. The next three chapters are on "Scales of Maps," "Forms of Record," and "Graphical Representations," and are supplied with diagrams and tables for illustration and reference. Under "Instruments and Methods used in 'Filling in,'" directions are given for making stadia measurements, for the use of the plane-table, and of the transit. Directions for determining the true meridian follow, with descriptions of two forms of solar transit. Short chapters are devoted to "Hydrography" and "Underground Topography,"; "Field Sketching," "Computations," and "Modeling" are taken up successively, and the final chapter is devoted to "Applications," in which are considered the locating of common roads, railroads, canals, and pipe-lines; irrigation, aqueducts, and the locating of cities. Among the accompanying maps may be mentioned one of the Yellowstone National Park, one of the floor of the Mammoth coal-bed in the vicinity of Summit Hill, Carbon county, Pennsylvania, and charts of Hampton Roads, and Boston Bay.


Houghton Farm: Experiment Orchard and Peach-Yellows. New York: Print of "The Hub." Pp. 64.

The Rocky-Mountain Locust and the Chinch-Bug. Entomological Division, Department of Agriculture. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 36.

The Disease of Inebriety and its Social-Science Relations. By T. D. Crothers, M. D. Hartford, Conn. Pp. 14.

Reports of Experiments on Insects injuriously affecting the Orange-Tree and the Cotton-Plant. Entomological Division, Department of Agriculture. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp, 62.

Reports of Observations and Experiments in Practical Work. Division of Entomology, Department of Agriculture. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 72, with Three Plates.

Observations of Comets, 1880-1882. Cincinnati Observatory. Pp. 80, with Nine Plates.

Experimental Determination of Wave-Lengths in the Invisible Prismatic Spectrum. By S. P. Langley. Pp. 20.

Distribution of Gluten within the Wheat-Grain. By N. A. Randolph, M. D. Philadelphia. Pp. 5.

The Quaternary Gravels of Northern Delaware and Eastern Maryland. By Frederick D. Chester. Pp. 12.

A Case of Recurrent Dropsy of the Left Middle Ear. By Drs. Charles H. Burnett and Charles A. Oliver. Pp. 26.

Meeting of the International Prison Congress at Rome, in October, 1884. U. S. Bureau of Education. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 11.

Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington, 1883. Washington. Pp. 163.

"The Canadian Record of Natural History and Geology." J. T. Donald, Editor. Montreal: John Lovell and Son. Pp. 64.

Transactions of the Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club. Ottawa, Canada: Citizen Printing and Publishing Company, Pp. 90, with Plate.

The Fæces of Starch-fed Infants. By N. A. Randolph, M. D. Philadelphia. Pp. 4.

Medical Thoughts of Shakespeare. Compiled by B. Rush Field, M. D. Easton, Pa.: "Free Press." Pp. 16.

Biogen. By Professor Elliott Coues. Boston: Estes & Lauriat. Pp. 66.

The Railroad as an Element in Education. By Professor Alexander Hogg. Louisville, Ky. Pp. 22.

Tenth Annual Report of the Zoölogical Society of Cincinnati. Pp. 16.

Report of the New York State Survey for 1883. James T. Gardiner. Director. Albany: Van Benthuysen Printing-House. Pp. 182, with Six Maps.

The External Therapeutics of Pulmonary Consumption, By Dr. Thomas J. Mays. Upper Lehigh, Pa. Pp. 20.

House-Drainage. By William Paul Gerhard. New York: Durham House-Drainage Company. Pp. 44.

Reflex Nervous Influence and the Causation and Cure of Disease. By Dr. D. T. Smith. New Orleans, La. Pp. 11.

"Miscellaneous Notes and Queries, with Answers." January and February, 1884 (double number). Manchester, N. H.: S. C. and L. M. Gould. Pp. 24 + 16 + 16. 20 cents; $1 for ten numbers.

Pilot-Chart of the North Atlantic for March, with Supplement of 5 pages. By Commander J. E. Bartlett. Washington: U. S. Hydrographic-Office.

Susceptibility to Malaria, or Personal Predisposition to Malarial Fevers. By Dr. J. P. Dake. Nashville, Tenn. Pp. 9.

Medical Legislation in the United States. By Dr. J. P. Dake. Nashville, Tenn. Pp. 14.

Hygienic Institutes. By Professor George A. Smyth. Pp. 27.

Bilateral Asymmetry of Function. By G. Stanley Hall and E. M. Hartwell. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Pp. 17.

"The Analectic" (Medical Journal Monthly). Edited by Walter S. Wells, M. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 48. $2.50 per year.

Topographical Surveying. By Henry F. Walling, C. E. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 208. 50 cents.

Relations of Animal Diseases to the Public Health. By Frank S. Billings, D. V. S. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 446. $4.

Clear Light from the Spirit-World. By Kate Irving. New York: G. W. Carleton & Co. Pp. 201.

Darwinism stated by Darwin himself. By Nathan Sheppard. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 351. Price, $1.50.

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