Report on the Character of Six Hundred Tornadoes. By Sergeant J. P. Finley, Signal Corps, U. S. A. Washington: Office of Chief Signal Officer. Pp. 19, with Three Charts.
The increasing frequency with which notices of tornadoes appear, as the list approaches the present time, is to be taken as a sign, not of more tornadoes, but of better observations. The season in which tornadoes appear most frequent is summer, and the month June. Spring is the next most frequent season, then autumn, then winter. The region most often visited includes the States of Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska, of which Kansas suffers the most. Outside of this region New York has the most tornadoes, and next, Georgia. Suggestions are given for avoiding the violence of tornadoes; many other lessons are derived from the study, and further ones are anticipated from further studies.
The December (or Christmas) number of "Wide Awake" is a noble magazine of 136 pages, with a supplement of 60 pages, filled with articles of high literary character and unexceptionable tendency. It is adorned with a profusion of illustrations, which, though executed in the best style of the present fashion in wood-engraving, can not be considered equal to the illustrations in the same magazine ten years ago, when a purer taste and a better style prevailed.
⁂ Authors and others, sending papers and monographs for notice, will please specify, for general information, where they can be procured.
Dime Question-Books: General History, Astronomy, Mythology, Rhetoric, and Composition, Botany, with Notes, Queries, etc. Albert P. Southwick. Syracuse, New York: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 36 to 40 each. 10 cents.
Iowa Weather-Service Annual for 1883. Gustavus Hinrichs. Central Station, Iowa City. Pp. 40.
Should American Colleges be open to Women as well as to Men? Frederick A. P. Barnard, President of Columbia College, New York City. Pp. 17.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Eighteenth Annual Catalogue, etc. Francis A. Walker, Ph. D., LL. D., President. Pp. 102.
The Taxation of the Elevated Railroads in the City of New York. Roger Foster. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 61.
Apparent Attractions and Repulsions of Small Floating Bodies. John Le Conte. Berkeley, California. Pp. 10.
Medicine and Medicine-Men. Anniversary Address. John Godfrey. New Orleans, Louisiana. Pp. 17.
"The Sociologist: A Monthly Journal." Vol. I, Nos. 1 and 2. Adair Creek, Knox County, Tennessee: A. Chavannes & Co.
On the Loess and Associated Deposits of Des Moines. W. J. McGee, Farley, and R. Ellsworth Call, Des Moines, Iowa. Pp. 24.
Circulars of the Department of Education: High-Schools for Girls in Sweden, pp. 6; Instruction in Moral and Civil Government, pp. 4; National Pedagogic Congress of Spain, pp. 4; Natural Science in Secondary Schools, pp. 9; The University of Bonn, pp. 67; Proceedings of Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association, 1882, pp. 112. Washington; Government Printing-Office.
The Naval Use of the Dynamo-Machine and Electric Light. Lieutenant J. B. Murdock, U. S. N. Annapolis, Maryland. Pp. 385.
"Census Forestry Bulletin," No. 23—Estimate of the Consumption of Forest Products as Fuel during the Census Year. P. 1, with Map.
Department of Agriculture—Report of the Entomologist, 1882. C. V. Riley. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 104, with Plates.
The Condition of Niagara Falls, and the Measures needed to preserve them. J. B. Harrison. (Author's address, Franklin Falls, New Hampshire.) Pp. 62.
"The Reconstructionist: Devoted to the Substitution of Good for Evil." Samuel T. Fowler. Quarterly. Philadelphia: George A. Fowler & Co. Pp. 64. 25 cents.
A Method of Teaching the Greek Language Tabulated. John W. Sanborn, Batavia, New York. Published by the author. Pp. 44. 30 cents.
Statistical Report of Imports, Exports, Immigration, and Navigation, for the Three Months ended September 30, 1882. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 157.
Hospital Accommodations of County Poor-Houses. Dr. Charles S. Hoyt, Secretary. New York State Board of Charities. Albany, New York. Pp. 53.
Bromide of Ethyl (as an Anæsthetic). Julien J. Chisholm, M. D. Baltimore, Maryland. Pp. 8.
Report of an Exploration of Parts of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana, in August and September. 1882, made by Lieutenant-General Sheridan. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 69.
"Journal of Social Science." December, 1882. A. Williams & Co., Boston, and G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. Pp. 178. $1.
Report of the Standing Committee, New York State Board of Charities, on County Poor-Houses. Pp. 8.
On the Geological Effects of a Varying Rotation of the Earth. Professor J. E. Todd. Pp. 12.
"Scientific Proceedings of the Ohio Mechanics' Institute." Quarterly. December, 1882. Cincinnati, Ohio. Publishing Committee, Ohio Mechanics' Institute. Pp. 48. $1 a year.
The Place of Original Research in College Education. J. H. Wright, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. Pp. 29.
Mutual Relations of Intellectual and Moral Culture. Joseph Le Conte. Berkeley, California. Pp. 7.
General Weather-Service, United States. "Monthly Weather Review," November, 1882. Washington, D. C.: Office of the Chief Signal-Officer. Pp. 21, with Maps.
Papers of California Academy of Sciences on "Footprints found at the Carson State-Prison" (H. W. Harkness, M.D., Joseph Le Conte, C. D. Gibbs); on "Fossil Jaw of a Mammoth" (C. D. Gibbs); and on "Fresh-water Mussels" (Robert E. C. Stearns). San Francisco, California. Pp. 58, with Plates.