The "Revue Scientifique" of Paris has won a high rank among journals of its class, by the prominent space it gives to the original papers of leaders of scientific thought, and by the international catholicity which it has shown in enrolling among its contributors writers from different countries of Europe and America, including such men as Pasteur, Berthelot, Wurtz, Milne-Edwards, Tyndall, Huxley, Du Bois-Reymond, Virchow, and some of our own men of science. It is edited by Charles Richet, a physiologist eminent particularly in the investigation of nervous disorders. It is published by Germer-Baillière & Co., 108 Boulevard Saint-Germain.
The next number of the "International Scientific Series" will be on a subject of unusual popular interest, and of extreme importance. It will be on "The Science of Politics," and is contributed to the series by Dr. Sheldon Amos, author of "The Science of Law." The science of politics is a subdivision or branch of social science, the next great subject in the order of scientific progress. The science of politics is therefore in the early stage of its development, and, as its principles are as yet but imperfectly elucidated, no treatise upon it can have completeness, or the authority of perfected elucidation. Nevertheless, the beginning must be made, and already enough is known, both of the data of the inquiry and the method to be employed, to give great interest and value to a well-elaborated popular treatise.
Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Vol. XIII, Part I. Micrometric Measurements. By Joseph Winlock and Edward C. Pickering. Cambridge, Massachusetts: John Wilson & Son. Pp. 203.
Transactions of the Linnæan Society of New York. Vol. I. New York: L. S. Foster. Pp. 168.
"The Decorator and Furnisher." December, 1882. 75 Fulton Street, New York: E. W. Bullinger. Pp. 32. Price, 35 cents.
The Manufacture of Iron and Steel direct from the Ore. "Bull's Process." By Mr. Vaughan W. Jones. Liverpool, England: Andrew Russell. Pp. 15.
Spirits in Prison. A Discourse delivered on a Special Occasion. By George R. Ellis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: John Wilson & Son. Pp. 27.
Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists. Fifth Annual Meeting. August, 1882. Buffalo: Bigelow Brothers. Pp. 300.
Yellows in Peach-Trees. By D. P. Penhallow. Boston: Rockwell & Churchill. Pp. 8.
Physics, and Occult Qualities. An Address before the Philosophical Society of Washington. By William B. Taylor. Washington: Judd & Detweiler. Pp. 50.
"The Modern Age," January. 1683. Buffalo: Modern Age Publishing Co. Pp. 60. Price, 15 cents.
Contributions to the Anatomy of Birds. By R. W. Shufeldt, M.D. Author's edition. Washington, D. C. Pp. 216, including Plates.
Meteorological Researches, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Part III. Washington; Government Printing-Office. Pp. 48.
Signal-Service Tables of Rain-fall and Temperature compared with Crop Production. By H. H. C. Dun woody. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 15.
Observations on Fat-Cells and Connective Tissue Corpuscles of Necturus (Menobranchus). By Simon H. Gage. Buffalo: Bigelow Brothers.
"The American Journal of Forestry." Edited by Franklin B. Hough. October, November, and December, 1882. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co. Pp. 48 each. Price, $3 a year.
Some Thoughts on Phthisis. By M. F. Coomes, M. D. Louisville, Kentucky. Pp. 7. Menstrual Amblyopia. Same author. Pp. 4.
Footprints found at the Carson State-Prison (Nevada). By H. W. Darkness, M. D. Pp. 7, with Plates.
Electric Lighting in Mills. By C. J. H. Woodbury. Pp. 7.
W. H. Cory's Artificial Fuel, and Press for Use in its Manufacture. Philadelphia. Pp. 20.
Standard Time, for the United States. Canada, and Mexico. By E. R. Knorr. Washington: Judd & Detweiler. Pp. 16.
Optical Illusions of Motion. By II. P. Bowditch and G. Stanley Hall. Pp. 10, with Plates.
How to use Florence Knitting Silk, No. 4. Nonotuck Silk Co. Pp. 62.
The Responsibility of Criminal Lunatics. By S. S. Herrick, M. D., Secretary of the Stale Board of Health, Louisiana. New Orleans. Pp. 7.
Comparative Vital Movement of the White and Colored Races in the United States. By S. S. Herrick, M.D., Louisiana. Cambridge: Riverside Press. Pp. 6.
Miscellaneous Literary, Scientific, and Historical Notes, Queries, and Answers. N. B. Webster, Editor, Norfolk, Virginia. Manchester, New Hampshire: S. C. & L. M. Gould. Double number, December and January. Pp. 32. Price, 20 cents.
Sunlight and Skylight at High Altitudes. By Professor S. P. Langley. Pp. 398.
The Structure of the Muscles of the Lobster. By M. L. Holbrook, M. D. New York City. Pp. 8.
The Disposal of the Dead. By W. H. Curtis, M. D. . Chicago, Illinois. Cambridge: Riverside Press. Pp. 22.
How Congress and the Public deal with a Great Revenue and Industrial Problem. By David A. Wells. Pp. 16.
The Termination of the Nerves in the Liver. By M. L. Holbrook, M. D. New York City. Pp. 6.
Fifteenth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Pp. 148.
"Babyland." Holiday number. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. 1682. Monthly, 50 cents a year. Illustrated.