Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. By Ignatius Donnelly. Illustrated New York: Harper & Brothers. Pp. 490. $2.00.
Astronomy for Schools and General Readers. By Isaac Sharpless and Professor G. M. Philips. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. Pp. 303. $1.25.
Cerebral Hyperæmia: Does it exist? By C. F. Buckley, B.A., M.D., formerly Superintendent of Hay lock Lodge Asylum, England. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 129.
A Guide to Collodio-Etching. By Benjamin Hartley. Illustrated by the Author. New York: The Industrial Publication Company. Pp. 48, with Seven Plates.
Social Equality. A Short Study in a Missing Science. By William Hurrell Mallock, author of "Is Life worth Living?" New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 212. $1.00.
A Dictionary of the Popular Names of Economic Plants. By John Smith, A. L. S., author of "Historia Filicum," "History of Bible Plants." etc. London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 457. $3.50.
Light. A Course of Experimental Optics, chiefly with the Lantern. By Lewis Wright. With Illustrations. London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 368. $2.
Memoir of Daniel Macmillan. By Thomas Hushes, Q. C, author of "Tom Brown's Schooldays at Rugby." London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 308. $1.50.
Strength of Wrought-Iron Bridge Members. By S. W. Robinson, C.E. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 175. 50 cents.
Railroad Economics. By S. W. Robinson, C.E. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 131. 50 cents.
First Annual Report of the Board of Health of Detroit. July, 1882. Detroit: Post & Tribune Co., Printers. Pp. 270.
The New Botany. A Lecture on the Best Method of teaching the Science. By W. J. Beal, M.Sc., Ph.D. Second edition, revised. Philadelphia: C. H. Marot. Pp. 16. 25 cents.
Houghton Farm: Experiments with Indian Corn. 1830-1831. By Manley Miles, Director of Experiments, with a Summary of the Experiments with Wheat for Forty Years at Rothamsted. By J. B. Lawes, Bart., LL.D., F.R.S. Cambridge: Riverside Press. Pp. 75.
Hand-Book of the St. Nicholas Agassiz Association. By Harlan M Ballard, Principal of Lenox Academy. Pittsfield, Massachusetts: Axtell & Pomeroy, Printers. Pp. v-85.
Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association at its Meeting in Washington, March 21-23, 1382. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 112.
The Comparative Action of Sulphate of Daturia and of Sulphate of Hyoscyamia upon the Iris and Ciliary Muscles. By Charles A. Oliver, M.D., of Philadelphia. Pp. 7.
Map of Alaska and Adjoining Regions. Compiled by Ivan Petroff, Special Agent, Tenth Census. Washington. Large Sheet.
Report. of T. B. Ferguson, a Commissioner of Fisheries of Maryland. January, 1881. Hagerstown, Maryland: Bell & Co., Printers. Pp. cxiv, 152, and 6, with Plates.
Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Science. Volume III. Part II. Davenport. Iowa: Published by the Academy. Pp. 132. with Five Plates.
A Synonymical Catalogue of the Described Tortricidæ of North America, north of Mexico. By C. H. Fernald, A.M.. Professor of Natural History in the Maine State College. Pp. 72.
The Hyperbolic Curve and the Law of Progression of Rotating Bodies. Boston: A. Williams & Co. Pp. 16.
Annual Report upon the Surveys of Northern and Northwestern Lakes, in charge of Major C. B. Comstock. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 24.
Arak-el-Emir. A Quarterly, devoted to the Expression of Clear Investigative Thought, conducted by J. C. Lane. New York: Quarterly Publishing Company, 21 Park Place. Pp. 82. 75 cents. Subscription, $3 per annum.
Elements of Universology. By Stephen Pearl Andrews. New York: S. P. Lathrop & Co. Pp. 48. 15 cents.
Ideological Etymology. A New Method on the Study of Words. By Stephen Pearl Andrews. New York: S. P. Lathrop & Co. Pp. 32. 15 cents.
Three Reports on Nomenclature and Terminology. By W. H. Atkinson. Pp. 6, 12, and 6. 5 cents each.
The American Association.—The meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Montreal, which closed August 30th, was, in every respect, one of the most successful meetings in the history of the society. The attendance—nine hundred and fifty members—was but little short of that registered at Boston two years ago, and constituted it one of the large meetings. Three hundred and twenty-five new members were elected, and more than two hundred and fifty papers were accepted. The meeting was opened on the 23d of August, with a brief address by the incoming President, Dr. Dawson, of Montreal, who spoke of his (a Canadian's) election to the presidency as significant of the society's extension over the continent, and its disregard of national boundary-lines. Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, who followed the president as the especial representative of the city of Montreal, also spoke of the expansion of the society, and expressed the hope that it might yet meet in the city of Mexico, as the French had already carried their "war of science" into Africa, at Algiers. The nine sections into which the Association is now divided w T ere severally opened with addresses by their respective presidents. Professor Bolton, in the Chemical Section, spoke on "Chemical Literature"; Professor Harkness, in the Mathematical and Astronomical Section, on the transit of Venus. Professor Brush, the retiring President of the Association, gave as his official address the compre-