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Coöperative Experimenting as a Means of studying the Effects of Fertilizers and the Feeding Capacities of Plants. By Professor W. O. Atwater. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1882. Pp. 33.

Anlagen von Hausentwässerungen nach Studien americanischer Verhältnisse. [Elements of House-Drainage, after Studies of American Arrangements.] Mitgeheilt von W. Paul Gerhart. Civil Engineer, Newport, R. I. Berlin, 1880: Polytechnische Buchhandlung, A. Seydel. Pp. 33, with Five Plates.

House-Drainage and Sanitary Plumbing. Providence, R.I., 1882, Pp. 104; and Diagram of Sewer Calculations, Newport, R.I., 1881, Pp. 7. By William Paul Gerhart, Civil and Sanitary Engineer.

An Organ-Pipe Sonomoter. By W. Le Conte Stevens. Reprint from the "Journal of the Franklin Institute," 1 July, 1882. Pp. 5.

Physiological Perspective. By W. Le Conte Stevens. From the "Philosophical Magazine," May, 1882. Pp. 17.

Two Cases of Hemi-Achromatopsia. By Henry D. Noyes, M.D. New York. 1882. Pp. 12.

Second Annual Report of the Astronomer in charge of the Horological and Thermometric Bureaus in the Observatory of Yale College. By Leonard Waldo. New Haven. 1882. Pp. 16.

Dangerous Illuminating Oils. By J. K. Macomber. State Agricultural College. Ames, Iowa. Pp. 6.

Plastic Splints in Surgery. By Samuel N. Nelson, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1882. Pp. 18.

Pro and Con of Spelling Reform. By Professor E. O. Vaile. New York: Burney & Co. 1882. Pp. 20.

Double Irrigation and Drainage Tubes; Uterine Dilatation by Elastic Force; The Cure of Hernia by the Antiseptic Use of Animal Ligature. By Henry 0. Marcy, M.D. London: J. W. Kolckmann. 1881. Pp. 12.

First Annual Report of the Committee on the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Pp. 13.

Professional Papers of the Signal Service: No. 1, Solar Eclipse of. July, 1878, by Cleveland Abbe, 1881. Pp. 186; No. 2, Isothermal Lines of the United States. 1871-1880, by Lieutenant A. W. Gruely. 1831; No. 3, Chronological List of Auroras observed from 1870 to 1879, By Lieutenant A. W. Gruely, 1881, Pp. 76; No. 5, Information relative to the Construction and Maintenance of Time-Balls, 1881. Pp. 71; No. 6, The Reduction of Air-Pressure to Sea-Level at Elevated Stations west of the Mississippi River, by Henry A. Hazen, A.M., 182, Pp. 42. Washington: Government Printing-Office.

Tenth Census of the United States; Statistics of Power and Machinery employed in Manufactures, by Professor W. P. Trowbridge: Water-Power of the Southern Atlantic Water-Shed of the United States, by George F. Swan, S. B. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1311.

Action of Free Molecules on Radiant Heat, and its Conversion thereby into Sound. By John Tyndall, F.R.S. From the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Part I. 1882. Pp. 64.

Bird-Bolts: Shots on the Wing. By Francis Tiffany. Boston: George H. Ellis. 1882. Pp. 180.

Eliane. By Mme. Augustus Craven. From the French by Lady Georgiana Fullerton. New York: William S. Gottsberger. 1882. Pp. 340. 90 cents.

Studies in Science and Religion. By G. Frederick Wright. Andover: Warren F. Draper. 1882. Pp. 390.

Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer to the Secretary of War for the Year 1879. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1880. Pp. 782.

Practical Microscopy. By George E. Davis, F.R.M.S., etc. Second edition. London: David Bogue. 1832. Pp. 335. Illustrated.


Experiments in Ensilage.—Professor W. A. Henry, of the Experimental Farm of the University of Wisconsin, has published a report of an experiment in ensilage that was made last year under his direction. A pit was made, thirty feet long by fifteen wide and fifteen deep, with thick stone walls, at a cost of $413.12, and was filled to near the top with a crop of fodder-corn that had been raised and cut up for the purpose, weighing 150,222 pounds, and at the top with second-crop clover just as it came from the field, all under the inspection of many visitors who had been invited to witness the process. "The comments," says Professor Henry, "were as varied as the visitors. As the weather was very warm the ensilage heated rapidly, and when the visitor would run his hand down into the mass of damp-cut fodder, and find it so hot as to be uncomfortable, there would sometimes come a shake of the head and prediction of failure of some sort: 'It will burn the barn up'; 'May keep below, but will not on top'; 'Think it will be all right above where it can get some air, but below it will make a nice manure-heap.'" The silo was loaded down with an unusual weight of stones, in order to bring the more pressure to bear upon the long and matted clover-stalks; for the efficacy of the operation depends upon the prevention of heating by cutting off the access of fresh air. After the pit was closed, but little evidence of the change within was seen, only occasionally a just discernible but not at all marked odor. When the silo was opened, November 29th, the clover was partly decayed for about a half-inch down, and moldy for two or three inches below and around the sides of the pit. This was thrown out to be put on the manure-heap. The cows were a little shy of eating the ensilage at first, but after four or five feeds all ate it as naturally as they would hay.

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