a wide variety of subjects in natural history, geology, physics, and archæology, have been noticed from time to time in "The Popular Science Monthly." Mr. S. H. Scudder, the new president of the society, defines its aim in his inaugural address as distinctively educational; and with this view it restricts its museum to the collection and exhibition of such objects as can be put directly to public use; furnishes direct instruction by lectures, lesson and guide books, to those who have in charge the education of youth; and is working for the introduction and retention of the study of nature in the public schools.
How to make the Best of Life. By J. Mortimer Granville, M. D. Pp. 96. Boston: S. E. Cassino. Price, 50 cents.
This little volume has been added to Dr. Granville's excellent series of small books on the mental phases of personal hygiene. They are all devoted to the conditions of mental health, and to the care of the mind under the strain and exposure of neglect, overwork, bad habits, etc. The present volume is full of miscellaneous suggestions and practical precautions in the conduct of every-day life that, if followed, will be certain to guard against trouble and increase the enjoyment of health. Dr. Granville has improved the literary form of his work as he went on, so that this last part is written in a clearer and simpler style than those which preceded it.
Report on Diphtheria. By Franklin Staples, M. D., Winona. Pp. 44.
The report includes the facts gathered by the State Board of Health respecting the prevalence of diphtheria in the State of Minnesota during two years, from November, 18*78, to November, 1880. It embodies the substance of replies received from the several counties of the State in answer to inquiries sent out by the board respecting the prevalence or non-prevalence of the disease, its forms and degree of malignancy, the apparent causes and means of propagation (with express attention to the relations of the disease to water-supply and sanitary surroundings), and the means employed for its prevention. The facts collected, which are given as they were sent up, form a mass of valuable material to aid in the study of the malady. By this study the board say in the report: "We have been able to confirm many points of doctrine now generally understood concerning this disease, and, by observing its behavior on our soil, in our climate, and among the people of the various nationalities of our State, we have been able to arrive at some conclusions as to the kind of sanitary work demanded." These conclusions are given, and are not essentially different from those that have been agreed upon by sanitarians generally.
The Use of Tobacco. By J. I. D. Hinds, Ph. D., Professor of Chemistry in Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tennessee. Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House. Pp. 138. Price, 75 cents.
This little work presents a view of the subject adapted to popular comprehension, with arguments against the use of tobacco based chiefly on economical, hygienic, and moral grounds, which are designed to reach the public.
The Temple Rebuilt: A Poem. By Frederick R. Abbe. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Pp. 251. Price, $1.25.
By the "temple" the author typifies the soul of man, which has been cast into ruins by sin, and is rebuilt on the hew foundation of the plan of salvation as laid down by Christ, by the Christian virtues and graces serving as builders, and using prayer and good works as their implements.
Incandescent Electric Lights, with Particular Reference to the Edison Lamps at the Paris Exhibition. By Compte Th. du Moncel and William Henry Preece. With other Papers. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 176. Price, 50 cents.
A volume of "Van Nostrand's Science Series." It has been called out by the public interest in the growth of the Edison and other systems for maintaining a steady electric light of low intensity. Besides the paper of Compte du Moncel and the address of Mr. Preece, which give the title to the book, the volume contains articles on "The Economy of the Electric Light by Incandescence," by John W. Howell, and on "The Steadiness of the Electric Current," by C. W. Siemens.