mann. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 1881. Illustrated. Pp. 23.
The Chemical Cause of Life Theoretically and Experimentally Demonstrated. By Oscar Loew and Thomas Bokorny. Munich. 1881. Illustrated. Pp. 60.
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol xx, Part IV, January to April, 1330; and vol. xxi. Part I, May to December, 1880. Boston. 1830.
Scientific Proceedings of the Ohio Mechanics' Institute. Vol. i, No. 1. Cincinnati, January, 1882. Pp. 48. Quarterly, $1 a year.
Gold-hearing Drift, of Indiana. By George Sutton, M. D. Reprinted from the "Proceedings of the A. A. A. S." Salem, Massachusetts. 1882.
Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory. Micrometrical Measurements of Four Hundred and Fifty-five Double Stars observed with the Eleven-Inch Refractor during the Year ending September 1, 1880, under the Direction of Or mond Stone, A. M., Astronomer. Cincinnati. 1882. Pp. 69.
Ninety-sixth Annual Report of the Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York. Prepared by the Finance Committee. New York: Henry Bessey, printer. 1882.
On the Effect of Prolonged Stress upon the Strength and Elasticity of Pine Timber. By R. H. Thurston. Reprint from the "Proceedings of the Cincinnati Meeting of the A. A. A. S." Pp. 8.
Boston Society of Natural History. Guides for Science Teaching. No. I. About Pebbles. By Alpheus Hyatt. 1879. Pp. 26. No. II. Concerning a Few Common Plants By George L. Goodale. 1881. Pp. 61. No. III. Commercial and other Sponges. By Alpheus Hyatt. Illustrated. 1879. Pp. 43. No IV. A First Lesson in Natural History. By Mrs. Agassiz. Illustrated. 1879. Pp. 64 No. V. Common Hydroids, Corals, and Echinoderms. By Alpheus Hyatt. Illustrated. 1831. Pp. 32. No VI. The Oyster, Clam, and other Common Mollusks. By Alpheus Hyatt. Illustrated. 1831. Pp. 65. No. XII. Common Minerals and Rocks. By William C. Crosby. 1881. Pp. 130. Boston: Gin 11, Heath & Co. Annual Reports of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1879-1880; 1880-1881. Boston. 1832. Pp. 35.
Fifth Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Yellowstone National Park. By P. W. Norris. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1882. Pp. 81. With Map.
Soluble Compressed Pellets. A Nw Form of Remedies for Hypodermic Use. By H. Augustus Wilson, M.D. Reprint from "Transactions of the American Medical Association," 1881. Philadelphia. 1831. Pp. 4.
Science in Public Schools. By George Davidson. Reprint from "Mining and Scientific Press." Pp. 5
The Distribution of Plant Life. By Dr. B. W. Barton. Address before the Maryland Horticultural Society, April, 1881. Pp. 8.
Report on Diphtheria. By Franklin Staples, M.D. Winona, Minnesota. Pp. 44.
The Oyster Industry, by Ernest Engersoll, illustrated, 1881, pp. 250, and A Monograph on the Seal Islands of Alaska, by Henry W. Elliott, illustrated, 1882. pp. 176. Washington: Government Printing-Office.
Trance and Muscle Reading. By G. M. Beard, M.D. New York. 1882. Pp. 40.
Incandescent Electric Lights. New York: D. Van Nostrand. 1882. Pp. 176. 50 cents.
A Year of Miracle. A Poem in Four Sermons. By W. C. Gannett. Boston: George H. Ellis. 1382. Pp. 106. 50 cents.
Paine Genealogy, Ipswich Branch. By Albert W. Paine. Bangor, Maine. 1881. Pp. 184.
The Burgomaster's Wife. A Romance. By Georg Ebers. New York: William S. Gottsberger. 1882.
The Art of Voice Production. By A. A. Pattou. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1382. Pp. 106. $1.
The Use of Tobacco. By J. L. D. Hinds, Ph.D. Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House. 1882. 75 cents.
Marriage and Parentage. By a Physician and Sanitarian. New York: M. L. Holbrook & Co. 1882. Pp. 185.
The Temple Rebuilt. A Poem. By Frederick R. Abbe. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. 1882. $1.25.
Beliefs about Man. By M. J. Savage. Boston: George H. Ellis. 1882. Pp. 130. $1.50.
The Gospel in the Stars, or Primeval Astronomy. By Joseph A. Seiss, D.D. Philadelphia: E. Clayton & Co. 1881. Pp. 452.
A Practical Treatise on Hernia. By Joseph H. Warren. M.D. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co. 1882. Illustrated. Pp. 428. $5.
The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe. By A. E Nordenskiold. Translated by Alexander Leslie. New York: Macmillan & Co. 1882. Pp. 756. Illustrated. $6.
About Eggs.—All eggs of birds are good for food, and all are palatable enough to be eaten by a hungry man; but the most and the best food-eggs are furnished by the gallinaceous birds. The number of eggs consumed in the more populous countries is immense. Great Britain imports 785,000,000 from the Continent, they representing a value of more than £2,500,000; while Ireland furnishes nearly 500,000,000; and the home production is probably nearly equal to the amount of the importation from the Continent. The consumption, already so large, is increasing at a rate which shows that the value of this kind of food is steadily and rapidly growing in appreciation. The United States is supposed to produce 9,000,000,000 eggs annually, of which 25,500,000 dozen are sent to the New-York market. More than 800 dozen eggs are consumed in a single English hospital in the course of a year. The use of eggs as a standard article of diet has been limited by reason of their perishable nature; but this difficulty is now, in a measure, obviated by the desiccating and condensing process practiced in St. Louis and New York, and the canning process of Herr von Effner in Germany. Eggs are preserved in some parts of England by boiling them, removing the shells, and pickling them; in the United