of typical cases. The effects of stimulants on the functions of the system, and certain diseases, are also considered. And, as relating to the same class of habits or affections, the author also discusses the dementing effects of bromide of potassium when taken habitually, and the treatment of the "bromide-habit," the treacherous and subtile tendencies of chloral, chloroform and x the means of warding off its dangerous effects, and the pathology and treatment of dipsomania. The subject of favorable surroundings for patients while undergoing treatment is also considered, and the inquiry is made why, as the author believes, "inebriate asylums and sanitariums have made so signal a failure in their efforts to reform the fallen." The book has neither table of contents nor index.
The Autobiography of Mark Rutherford, Dissenting Minister. Edited by his Friend Reuben Shapcott. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1881. Pp. 218. Price, $1.
An uncompleted story of the life and troubles of a man who appears to have been of morbid disposition, who was always struggling with doubts, the victim of questions coming up in the course of his discharge of his duties, which he could not solve. The regulation theological education which he received at the seminary of his sect was not adapted to its immediate purpose, much less to enable the student to face the popular and speculative thoughts of the day. He was, therefore, thrown upon the world unprepared to engage in its intellectual struggles, and was perpetually tormented by the presentation of difficulties, "which haunted his whole existence and prevented his enjoyment of it."
The League of the Iroquois, and other Legends from the Indian Muse. By Benjamin Hathaway. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co. 1882. Pp. 319. Price, $1.50.
The author believes the legends of the Indians embody the essentials of religious truth, and are to them what the Eddas were to the Scandinavians, their mythology to the Greeks, the story of Buddha to the Hindoos and Mongolians, and the teachings of Christ to the Christian world. He finds in them a central idea, of a Divine Man of miraculous birth and superhuman attributes, who was sent among the red-men from the Great Spirit to subdue the monsters of the forest and rivers, and teach them their arts; and that it is right to judge the character and capacity of the Indians in the light of this conception as we measure civilized peoples by their highest attainments in art, science, and literature. The present collection of poems is an attempt to give in an intimately related series of pictures the story, as embodied in the Iroquois tradition, of the origin of the confederation, "and, especially, all that relates to the part the great personage of Indian mythology—Hayo-went-ya—took in the formation of the league."
Zoölogical Atlas (including Comparative Anatomy), with Practical Directions and Explanatory Text, for the Use of Students; 231 Figures and Diagrams. By D. McAlpine, F. C. S., author of a "Biological Atlas," etc. Vertebrata. Edinburgh and London: W. & A. K. Johnston. 1881. Twenty-four Plates, with Explanations.
The object of this work is to help the student in the explanation and dissection of the leading forms of animal life. It is intended to be employed on the principle laid down by Professor Macalister, of Dublin University, that "it is only by the examination of specimens that any knowledge of the science worth acquiring can be obtained, and the function of a book is to assist in practical study." The illustrations, which are colored, represent the various points to be noted in the dissections, showing the details of anatomical structure and their relations, and arc accompanied by suitable and brief explanations. The sis types of vertebral life are represented by a specimen selected with reference to its convenience of size for handling and the facility of procuring it; the cartilaginous fishes by the skate, the bony fishes by the cod, the tailed amphibians by the salamander, reptiles by the tortoise, birds by the pigeon, mammals by the rabbit. The plates in their several series show the external and internal characters of the animals, the skeleton, nervous and sense organs, alimentary system, the circulatory, respiratory, and other organs.