true palæolithic and neolithic age are as marked in that section of the country he has examined as can be found in the valley of any European river.
The chapter on "Palæolithic Implements," and the contributions of Professor H. C. Lewis on "The Antiquity and Origin of the Trenton Gravels," with which the volume closes, will be of great value to those interested in this question.
It is impossible to do justice to this work in the limited space of a book notice. It is sufficient to say that the work as a contribution to the archæology of Eastern North America is by far the most important of any that has appeared in this country. The student will be greatly aided by the careful way in which the various implements arc classified and named.
How Persons afflicted with Bright's Disease ought to live. By Joseph F. Edwards, M. D. Philadelphia: Presley Blakiston. Pp. 87. Price, 75 cents.
The author believes that, in many instances, persons afflicted with Bright's disease may, by proper management, enjoy comfort and comparative good health for many years, and even outlive thousands around them who are in vigorous health. The object of his treatise is to define the conditions of the proper life with which this may be accomplished. These conditions are summed up in the avoidance of whatever will irritate the kidneys and attention to keeping up the general health. The skin should be kept in good condition by regular bathing, a proper degree but no excess of exercise should be practiced, the food should be suitable and abundant, the clothing always comfortable; alcohol and tobacco and other stimulants should be avoided.
The Figure of the Earth. An Introduction to Geodesy. By Mansfield Merkiman, Professor of Civil Engineering in Lehigh University. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 88. Price, $1.50.
This work embraces the substance of "familiar talks" on the size and figure of the earth which were delivered, in 1879, to the students of civil engineering in Lehigh University. They were afterward published, with considerable extensions and improvements, and this is another revision. Its aim is to give the history of scientific investigation and opinion concerning the figure of the earth, and at the same time furnish an introduction to the science of geodesy that will possess desirable qualities for engineering students and engineers. The illustrative examples are generally from American surveys.
Rugby, Tennessee. By Thomas Hughes. London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 168. Price, $1.
This book is put forth as the best answer which the founders of the Rugby colony can make to the questions that are asked them, chiefly in the United Kingdom, concerning their settlement. The first part answers questions respecting the class of persons for whom the place is intended. They are young men of good education and small capital. The second part consists of the letters written by Mr. Hughes last fall to the London "Spectator," reprinted without alteration. The third part, Mr. Killebrew's report, describes the natural situation and condition of the land without coloring, apparently hiding no defects. The glossary answers questions definitely and in short.
Pharmacology and Therapeutics; or, Medicine Past and Present. The Goulstoman Lectures, delivered before the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1877. By T. Lauder Brunton, M. D., F. R. S. London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 212.
The object of these lectures was to show how the progress of therapeutics is aided by an exact knowledge of drugs obtained by experiments. The history of medicine in the past, with the course of the empiric and dogmatic systems, is reviewed, and the development described of rational and scientific methods of study, culminating in the application of the systematic investigation of the properties of drugs as illustrated especially in the case of strychnia, curare, casca, and other remedies, the adoption of which has given a new aspect to modern pharmacology and therapeutics. The rationale of the operation of many remedies, as brought out by the new methods of investigation, is also briefly discussed.