liable to catarrhal affections, the examination of the pharynx, the value and method of local and constitutional medication, and the remedies used, the effect of climate on hay-fever, and the pathology and treatment of catarrh, and acute sporadic catarrh, with descriptions of many cases.
The Hysterical Element in Orthopædic Surgery. By Newton M. Shaffer, M. D., Surgeon in charge of the New York Orthopaedic Dispensary and Hospital, etc. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 66. Price, $1.
Cases of knee-joint disease, hip-joint disease, Pott's disease, lateral curvatures, and club-foot, have come before the author in his practice, which were not real, but the result of hysterical affection, or what he calls nervous mimicry. Some of them existed in persons who had never seen a genuine case of the disease with which they presumed they were afflicted. The present volume gives the diagnosis of such cases, with accounts of the method and results of treatment.
Brief Review of the most Important Changes in the Industrial Applications of Chemistry within the Last Few Years. By J. W. Mallet, F. R. S. Pp. 98.
This work hardly needs any other notice than the transcription of its title, which fully defines its purpose and scope. It is full of instructive facts, valuable for practical application in nearly every department of the arts. The improved chemical processes and applications which it describes in classified detail, when brought together and considered in the aggregate, are significant of the great and wonderful advance that has been made in all that contributes to the economy and comfort of life.
Educational Journalism. An Address before the New York State Teachers' Association, at its Thirty-sixth Annual Meeting, Saratoga Springs, August 1, 1881. By C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse, New York: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 30.
This address gives the history of the older and of some of the most famous educational journals of the country, with remarks on the value of publications of that class.
A Fatal Form of Septicæmia in the Rabbit produced by the Subcutaneous Injection of Human Saliva. An Experimental Research. By George M. Sternberg, Surgeon United States Army. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co. 1881. Pp. 22.
In this interesting research the author discovered that the injection of his saliva into the subcutaneous connective tissue of a rabbit infallibly produced the death of the animal, usually within forty-eight hours. Experiments with the saliva of other persons resulted variously; some salivas appearing to be more virulent than others. These facts afford an interesting commentary on the discovery announced by Pasteur of a "new disease" produced by the injection of the saliva of infants which have died from hydrophobia. The experiments are described in detail, and photographs of the septic organisms developed after the injections are also given.
What shall we do with the Inebriate? By T. D. Crothers, M. D. Pp. 24.
The author of this pamphlet, who is superintendent of a home for the treatment of inebriates and opium cases at Hartford, Connecticut, and who may therefore be supposed to know something of the subject about which he writes, controverts the theory that drunkenness is a vice to be counteracted by moral and penal influences only. He regards it as a disease requiring peculiar treatment, and divides inebriates into three classes, to whose condition the method of treatment requires to be specially adapted. Thus managed, he believes inebriety to be as curable as other forms of disease.
Fifth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Wisconsin. 1880. Madison, Wisconsin: David Atwood, State Printer. Pp. 156.
Besides the accounts of the operations of the Board and the condition of health of the State, this report contains a number of special papers prepared for the information of the people, on such subjects as "General Hygienic Knowledge a Necessity for the People," "Recreation as a Sanitary Agent," "School Hygiene," "The Management of Contagious Diseases in the City of Milwaukee," "Diseased Meat and its Relations to Health," and "Kerosene."