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Annual Report of the Wisconsin Geological Survey for 1879. ByJ. C. Chamberlin, Chief Geologist. Madison, Wisconsin: State Printer, 1880.

We learn from this brief report that the work of the survey is approaching completion. Two volumes of the reports are now in the printer's hands; and a third, which, however, will be Vol. I. of the series, will shortly follow, and will be devoted to the general geology of the State.

Deutsch-Amerikanische Apotheker-Zeitung. Edited by Dr. George W. Rachel, and published by the Pharmaceutical Publishing Company, 5 Gold Street, New York. Pp. 16. Illustrated. Price, $2.50 a year.

"The Deutsch-Amerikanische Apotheker Zeitung" (German-American Druggists' Gazette) is a semi-monthly journal which has been started in the interest and as the organ of the German apothecaries, chemists, and physicians, of the United States. It promises original articles and correspondence from writers of recognized standing in their respective fields, notices and reviews of all that is new in the branches of science to which it is devoted, for which the American and European press will be consulted, market reports of drugs and chemicals, and free discussions. The numbers before us are filled with articles and paragraphs of scientific merit, comprehensive in scope, varied in character, and abreast with the times.

Silver in its Relation to Industry and Trade: The Danger of demonetizing it. The United States Monetary Commission of 1876: Review of Professor Francis Bowen's Minority Report. By William Brown. Montreal: Printed by the Lovell Printing and Publishing Company. 1880. Pp. 134. Price, 60 cents.

The purpose of this work is to present the arguments in favor of retaining silver money—"the money of industry," as the author calls it—in such a manner that they shall be plain to ordinary minds, and that interest in the discussions on the subject shall be shared by the people at large.

The "Naturhistorische Verein für Wisconsin," which has existed as an unincorporated society in the city of Milwaukee for twenty-two years, has been incorporated as the Natural History Society of Wisconsin, for the purpose of investigating the facts pertaining to the natural history and ethnology of the State. Its first year's report, in the German language, contains notices of the papers read at the several meetings of the Society, and an essay on "Life on the Prairie," by Dr. Emil Ulrici. Dr. Ulrici also sends us a paper (in German), of which he is the author, on "the settlements of the Normans in Iceland, Greenland, and North America, in the ninth, tenth, and eleventh centuries."


Diagram of the Progress of the Anthracite Coal Trade of Pennsylvania. With Statistical Tables, etc. By the Messrs. Sheafer. Pottsville, Pa. 1879.

On Fluid Extracts as prepared for the Coming Pharmacopoeia. Detroit. 1880. Pp. 7.

Photometric Researches. By William H. Pickering. Cambridge: John Wilson & Son. 1880. Pp. 14.

Therapeutic Action of Mercury, pp. 27, and Mechanical Therapeutics, Chemistry, and Toxicology of Mercury, pp. 19. By S. V. Clevenger, M.D. Chicago. 1880.

The Felsites and their Associated Rocks north of Boston. By J. S. Diller. Pp. 13.

High Schools. By B. G. Northrop. Syracuse: Davis, Bardeen & Co. 1880. Pp. 26. 25 cents.

The School Bulletin Tear-Book for 1880. An Educational Directory of the State of New York. Compiled by C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse: Davis, Bardeen & Co. 1880. Pp. 36, with Map. $1.

Memoirs of the Science Department, University of Tokio, Japan. Vol. II. On Mining and Mines in Japan. By C. Netto, M. E. Tokio: Published by the University. 1879. Pp. 54. Illustrated.

On the Ethers of Uric Acid. Second Paper. Dimethyluric Acid. By H. B. Hill and C. F. Mabery. From "Proceedings of the American Academy." Pp. 11.

The "American Journal of Philology." Edited by Basil L. Gildersleeve. Vol. I. . No 2. Baltimore: The Editor, May, 1880. Pp. 126. Quarterly, $1 per number, or $3 a year.

Bromide of Ethyl as an Anæsthetic. By J. Marion Sims, M. D., LL. D. Read before the New York Academy of Medicine, March 19, 1880. Pp. 22.

A Defense of Free Thought, together with a Theory of the Origin of Morals and Religion, and some Speculations on Immortality. By an Agnostic. Galveston, Texas. 1880. Pp. 52.

Annual Report upon the Surveys of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes, and the Mississippi River, in charge of C. B. Comstock. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1879. Pp. 180.

The Fifty-sixth Annual Report of the Officers of the Retreat, for the Insane at Hartford, Conn. Hartford. 1880. Pp. 36.

Hearing by the Aid of Tissue Conduction. The Month-Trumpet and the Audiphone. By Samuel Sexton, M.D. New York. 1880. Pp. 8.

Researches on Hearing through the Medium

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