Food of Man. By Dr. E. L. Sturtevant. From the "Report of the Secretary of Connecticut Board of Agriculture." 1880. Pp. 41.
Muscle-Beating for Healthy and Unhealthy People. By M Klemm. Illustrated. New York: M. L. Holbrook & Co. 1879. Pp. 56. 30 cents.
The Problems of Insanity. A Paper read before the New York Medico-Legal Society, March 3, 1880. By George M. Beard, M.D. Pp. 24.
Proverbial Treasury. English and Select Foreign Proverbs from Fifty-one Different Ancient and Modern Languages. By Carl Seelbach. New York: Seelbach Bros. 1880. No. I., containing 4,900 Proverbs. 50 cents.
Actual Measures of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, disclosing the Architectural System employed. International Institute for preserving and perfecting Weights and Measures. Toledo Blade Printing Co. 1880. Pp. 19.
Studies from the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. No. 1, Session 1877-'78. No. 2. Session 1878-'79. Edited by II. N. Martin, M.A., D.Sc., Professor of Biology. No. 3. Chesapeake Zoölogical Laboratory. Scientific Results of the Session of 1878. Edited by Professor W. K. Brooks, Associate in Biology. 1879. No. 4, Development of the Oyster. By W. K. Brooks. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co. 1880. $1 each.
Camps and Tramps in the Adirondacks, and Grayling Fishing in Northern Michigan. A Record of Summer Vacations in the Wilderness. By A. J. Northrup. Syracuse, N.Y.: Davis, Bardeen & Co. 1880. Pp. 302. $1.25.
Dwelling-Houses: Their Sanitary Construction and Arrangement. By Professor W. H. Corfield, M.A. M.D. New York: D. Van Nostrand. 1380. Pp. 155. 50 cents.
A Series of Questions in English and American Literature. Prepared by Mary F. Hendrick. Syracuse. N.Y.: Davis, Bardeen & Co. 1880. Pp. 76. 35 cent.
Sea-Air and Sea-Bathing. By John H. Packard, M.D. Philadelphia: Presley Blakiston. 1880. Pp. 124. 50 cents.
Post-Mortem Examinations. By Professor Rudolph Virchow. Translated from the second German edition. By Dr. T. P. Smith. Philadelphia: Presley Blakiston. 1880. Pp. 145. $1.25.
Common Mind-Troubles and the Secret of a Clear Head. By J. Mortimer Granville. M.D., etc. Edited, with Additions, by an American Physician. Philadelphia: D. G. Brinton. 1880. Pp. 185. $1.
The Hair: Its Growth, Care, Diseases, and Treatment. By C. Henri Leonard, M.A., M.D. Detroit: C. Henri Leonard. 1880. Pp. 316. $2.
Free Land and Free Trade. By Samuel S. Cox. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1880. Pp. 126. $1.25.
Radical Mechanics of Animal Locomotion. By William P. Wainwright. New York: D. Van Nostrand. 1880. Pp. 294. $1.50.
Silver in its Relation to Industry and Trade. By William Brown. Montreal: Lovell Printing Co. 1880. Pp. 134. 60 cents.
Life: Its True Genesis. By R. W. Wright. New York: G. P. Putnam's & Sons. 1880. Pp. 298. $1.50.
Practical Keramics for Students. By C. A. Jannier. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 1880. Pp. 258. $2.50.
A Guide to Modern English History. By William Cory. Part I., 1815 to 1830. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 1880. Pp. 276. $2.
Schiller's Complete Works. Edited, with Careful Revisions and New Translations, by Charles J. Hempel, M.D. In Two Volumes, with Illustrations by the Best German Artists. Philadelphia: G. Kohler. 1879. Cloth.
Climate and Complexion.—Correction.—Messrs. Editors: I notice that in my article on "Climate and Complexion," published in your May number, I have, either in so many words or inferentially, made the statements that a dark pigment reflects the rays of light and heat better, and that it is a greater obstacle to their transmission than a light one. These, of course, as they stand, are quite wrong. What I should have said is, that a cuticle containing a dark pigment is less permeable by heat and light, because it is thicker and more opaque. For some reason, which I do not undertake to explain, the coloring matter of the skin, when abundant, is darker than when scanty. Hence, a cuticle containing a dark pigment is less transparent. And because abundance and consequent blackness of the pigment imply thickness of the cuticle, a dark cuticle does not transmit heat so readily as a light one.
J. M. Buchan. |
Barrie, Ontario, Canada, May 3, 1880. |
Summer Schools of Natural History.—We received, too late for insertion in our May number, the announcement of this summer's session of the Chesapeake Zoölogical Laboratory, which was to open April 22d at Beaufort, North Carolina, and continue until the 1st of September, under the direction of W. K. Brooks, Assistant Professor of Zoölogy and Comparative Anatomy in Johns Hopkins University. The house to be used as a laboratory is near the water, and the equipment includes boats, nets, dredges, aquaria, books, microscopes, and all the necessary appliances for collecting and studying marine animals and plants, and a steam-launch for dredging and surface collecting.
The fifth session of the Summer School of Biology at Salem, Massachusetts, will be held at the museum of the Peabody Academy of Science, Salem, under the direction of Professor Edward S. Morse. Professor George L. Goodale has kindly consented to give six lectures on physiological botany. The other instructors are Mr. John Robinson, cryptogamic botany; Mr. John H. Sears, analytical botany; Professor H. II. Straight, anatomy and physiology of the vertebrates;