Survey for 1879. By T. C. Chamberlain. Madison. 1880. Pp. 72.
The Cotton-Worm. By Charles V. Riley. Illustrated. Washington: Government Printing-office. 1880. Pp. 144.
The Chinch-Bug. By Cyrus Thomas. With Map and Illustrations. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1879. Pp. 44.
Therapeutic Action of Mercury. By S. V. Clevenger, M.D. Chicago: Knight & Leonard. 1880. Pp. 27.
Extra Meridian Determination of Time. By Ormond Stone, A.M. Cincinnati; Society of Natural History. Pp. 6.
Adulteration of Food. By Albert R. Leeds, Ph. D. From "Third Report of New Jersey State Board of Health." Pp. 18.
A Subject-Index to the Publications of the United States Naval Observatory, 1845-1875. By Edward S. Holden. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1879. Pp. 74. 4to.
Health and Health-Resorts. By John Wilson, M. D. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates. 1880. Pp. 288.
Our Homes. By Henry Hartshorne, M.D. Philadelphia: Presley Blakiston. 1880. Pp. 149. 50 cents.
Brain and Mind. By Henry S. Drayton and James McNeill. New York: S. R. Wells & Co. 1880. Pp. 334. $1.50.
The Taxidermists Manual. By Captain Thomas Brown, F.L.S. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 204. $1.25.
A Guide to Modern English History. By William Cory. Part I. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 1880. Pp. 276. $2.
Pay Hospitals. By Henry C. Burdett. Philadelphia: Presley Blakiston. 1880. Pp. 176. $2.25.
Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, with Experiments. By Charles Loudon Bloxam. Philadelphia: Presley Blakiston. 1880. Pp. 688. $4.
Where to find the Crayfish.—Professor Huxley, in his valuable work on the cray-fish, published in the "International Scientific Series," tells his readers to study the work with "crayfish in hand." In order that readers may be able to do this, the following localities are given, copied from Dr. Hagen's monograph on the Astacidæ, with some localities added by the author: Vermont: in affluents of Lake Champlain; at Burlington, Shelburne, Colchester, Chittenden County. Massachusetts: Western parts of the State, on the authority of Mr. S. H. Scudder. New York: Hudson River and its affluents; Newburg, Fishkill; in the Tioga, affluent of the Susquehanna; at Berkshire, Tioga County; Lake Ontario; Genesee River, at Rochester; Garrison Creek, near Oswego; Lake Oneida; Four-Mile Creek, near Sackett's Harbor; and Grass River, a branch of the St. Lawrence; also at Niagara. New Jersey: Essex, Schooley's Mountain, Morris. Pennsylvania: in Delaware River (Philadelphia), Schuylkill River (Carlisle, Reading); Susquehanna and its affluents (Hummelstown, Berwick); Ohio River (Pittsburgh). Maryland: Havre de Grace. Virginia: James River and its affluents (Petersburg), the Rappahannock (Fredericksburg), and Greenbrier River. District of Columbia: Georgetown. North Carolina: Beaufort. South Carolina: Wateree River, Charleston, and Summerville. Georgia: Athens, Milledgeville, Roswell. Florida: Pensacola. Alabama: Huntsville, Mobile. Mississippi: Mobile River, Monticello, Rootpond. Louisiana: New Orleans, Millikin's Pond. Tennessee: Lebanon. Kentucky: Mammoth Cave, Little Hickman, Hickman's Landing. Indiana: Wabash River (Delphi). Ohio: Cincinnati, Columbia, Dayton, Miami River, Kelley Island, Lake Erie. Michigan: Lake Superior, and reported from Lake St. Clair. Wisconsin: Sugar River, and also reported from Milwaukee. Minnesota: Collected by Professor Agassiz at Minnehaha Falls. Iowa: Mississippi River at Davenport and Burlington. I have found it in greatest abundance at Dubuque. Illinois: Chicago, Evanston, Ogle County, Lawn Ridge, Basson Pudge, Peoria, Athens, Quincy, Belleville, Illinois River and its affluents. Missouri: St. Louis, and Osage River. Arkansas: One species reported, locality unknown. Texas: Between San Antonio and El Paso del Norte. Nebraska: One species reported, without locality. Washington Territory: Puget Sound. Oregon: Astoria, Columbia River, Lake Klamath. California: San Francisco. Canada: Humber River, near Toronto; Lake Winnipeg, Saskatchewan and Red Rivers. I have found them in the watercourses of northern Maine, and St. John's River, in New Brunswick. Dr. Hagen's monograph was published ten years ago. Many new localities have been recorded since; doubtless they will be found in every State and Territory in the Union. The animals may be found sheltered under or between loose stones along the edges of brooks and rivers. They are very active in their efforts to escape. Owing to their greenish and brownish hues, it is difficult to find them. They may easily be kept in confinement for a long time, and their movements and habits studied.—Edward S. Morse.