some of the pictures are uncommonly well drawn. The descriptions of the great fall hunt, of the manners and habits of the hunters, of traveling over the vast prairies during winter, of the mirage and other atmospheric phenomena, are excellent, and, although there is no attempt at scientific statement, they give one a good idea of the extent of an important industry, and of the kind of life adopted by those who pursue it.
The Berea Sandstone of Ohio. By Professor Edward Orton, of the Ohio State University. Pp. 9.
This is a review of the facts brought out by the Geological Survey of Ohio, concerning one of the most important geological formations of the State, the Berea sandstone. It extends in a continuous line of outcrop more than four hundred miles, through twenty-one counties, the stone of best quality, however, being found at Berea, in Cuyahoga County, whence its name. Building-stones and grindstones, to the amount of several million dollars, are annually obtained from this enormous deposit. The facts presented by Professor Orton are not only interesting from an economic point of view, but are of special value to the geologist.
Report on Magnetic Determinations in Missouri. By Francis B. Nipher. Pp. 24, with Map.
Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries of California for 1878 and 1879. Pp. 61.
Indian Corn. By E Lewis Sturtevant, M. D., South Framingham, Massachusetts. 1830. Pp. 31.
"The American Entomologist. Edited by Charles V. Riley and A. S. Fuller. Monthly. Vol. I. New Series. No. 1. January, 1880. New York: Max Jægerhuber, Publisher, 323 Pearl Street. Pp 24. $2 per annum.
Responsibility restricted by Insane Delusion. By T. L. Wright. Bellefontaine, Ohio. Pp. 16.
How to learn Short-Hand. Baker. New York: S. R. Wells & Co. 1880. Pp. 43.
Notes of Students' Work in the Chemical Laboratory of the University of Virginia. No. VIII. Communicated by J. W. Mallet. London, 1879. Pp. 14.
Relations of Railroads to the Public. By F. B. Thurber, of New York City. Pp. 18.
The Origin of Force. By Stephen C. Hutchins. Albany. 1879. Pp. 8.
Some Additional Notes on Ozone. Pp. 22. Contributions from the Laboratory of the Stevens Institute of Technology. By Albert R. Leeds, Ph. D. Pp. 13. Reprints from "Journal of American Chemical Society."
Solar Parallax from the Velocity of Light By D. P. Todd, M. A. Pp. 6.
Thirty-fourth Annual Report of the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. By Edward C. Pickering. Cambridge. 1880. Pp. 14.
A Lecture on Man. By Charles S. Bryant, A. M. St. Paul, Minnesota. Pp. 53. 35 cents.
"The American Monthly Microscopical Journal." Edited and Published by Romyn Hitchcock. Vol. I., No. 1. January, 1880. Pp. 20. 51 Maiden Lane, New York. $1 a year; single numbers, 15 cents.
Civilization: Is its Course natural or supernatural? Philadelphia: Charles H. Marat. 1879. Pp. 140.
Fourth Annual Report of the Board of Managers of the Wisconsin Industrial School for Girls. Milwaukee, 1880. Pp. 52.
Remedy for Existing Evils, Social and Political. By Judge S. D. J. Moore. Nashville. 1879. Pp. 116.
Notes on New England Isopoda. By Oscar Harger. Pp. 9.
New Characters of Mosasauroid Reptiles. By Professor O. C. Marsh. Pp. 5, with Plate.
On a New Theory of the Retaining Wall. By A. J. Du Bois. Ph. D. Reprint from "Journal of the Franklin Institute." Pp. 27.
The State of Prisons and of Child-saving Institutions in the Civilized World. By E. C. Wines, D. D., LL. D. Cambridge, 1880. Pp. 708.
Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. By Rev. Walter W. Skeat. Part II., Dor-Lit. $2.50 per part.
The Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States. By Thomas Meehan. Second Series. Parts 9, 10, 11, 12, Vol. I; Parts 13, 14, 15, and 16, Vol. II. Illustrated.
On the Determination of Verdet's Constant in Absolute Units, and on the Specific Inductive Capacities of Certain Dielectrics. By J. E. H. Gordon, B. A. Cantab.
Brain-Work and Overwork. By Dr. H. O. Wood. Philadelphia: Presley W. Blakiston. 1880. Pp. 126. 50 cents.
Linkages for Different Forms and Uses of Articulated Links, by J. D. C. DeRoos; Theory of Solid and Braced Elastic Arches, by William Cain, C. E.; On the Motion of a Solid in a Fluid, by Thomas Craig, Ph. D. New York: Van Nostrand's Science Series. 1879. 50 cents each.
The Child's Catechism of Common Things. By John D. Champlin, Jr. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 1879. Pp. 289. 60 cents.
Outlines of the Art of Expression. By J. H. Gilmore, A. M. Boston: Ginn Bros. 1876. Pp. 117.
Blowpipe Analysis. By J. Landauer. London: Macmillan & Co. 1879. Pp. 161. $1.50.
Part V., Report of United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries for 1877. Propagation of Food Fishes. Washington: 1879. Pp. 981.
Problems of Life and Mind. By George H. Lewes. Third Series. Boston; Houghton, Osgood & Co. 1880. Pp. 500. $3.
The Economics of Industry. By Alfred Marshall and Mary Paley Marshall. London: Macmillan & Co. 1879. Pp. 231. $1.
Studies on Fermentation. By L. Pasteur. London: Macmillan & Co. 1879. Pp. 418. $6.50.
Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. By Sir George W. Cox and Eustace Hinton Jones. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 1880. Pp. 514. $2.25.
Pharmacographia: a History of the Principal Drugs of Vegetable Origin met with in Great Britain and British India. By Friedrich A.