Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States. By Thomas Meehan. Boston: Prang & Co. 1878. Parts 17, 18, 19, 20. 50 cents each.
Index Medicus: Monthly Classified Record of the Current Medical Literature of the World. New York: Leypoldt. Vol. I., No. 1. Pp. 72. $3 per year.
Relation of Adhesion to Horizontal Pressure in Mountain Dynamics. By H. F. Walling. With Plates. From "Proceedings of American Association." Pp. 20.
On the Crystallography of Calcite. By J. R. McD. Irby. Bonn: Charles George print. 1878. Pp. 72.
Annual Report of the Health Officer of the District of Columbia (1878). Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 117.
The Aphididæ of the United States. By C. V. Riley and J. Monell. With Plates from Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Pp. 32.
Report of the State Board of Health of Colorado (1877). Denver: "Tribune" print. Pp. 161.
Dictionary of Music and Musicians. By George Grove. London and New York: Macmillan. 1879. Part V. $1.25.
Industrial Education. By Alexander Hogg. Galveston, Texas: "News" print. 1879. Pp. 52.
Aural Therapeutics. By S. Theobald, M.D. From "Maryland Medical Journal." Pp. 10.
A New Order of Extinct Reptiles. By Professor O. C. Marsh. With Plates. From "American Journal of Science and Art." Pp. 8.
Some Early Notices of the Indians of Ohio. By M. F. Force. Cincinnati: Clarke. 1879. Pp. 75. 50 cents.
The Applications of the Physical Forces. By Amédée Guillemin. Part I. London and New York; Macmillan. 1879. Pp. 48. 40 cents.
Inequality in Length of the Lower Limbs. By William Hunt, M.D. From "American Journal of Medical Sciences." Pp. 6.
Are Inebriates Automatons? By G. M. Beard, M.D. From "Quarterly Journal of Inebriety." Pp. 12.
Address and Memorial in Opposition to the Bill to amend Statutes relating to Patents. Cincinnati: "Times" print. 1879. Pp. 76.
Inscribed Stone of Grave Creek Mound. By M. C. Raid. From "American Antiquarian."
Address of Professor A. R. Grote, Vice-President Section B, American Association. Salem: printed at the Salem press. 1878.
Report on the Walnut Hill Asylum. Hartford, Connecticut: Press of Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co. 1878. Pp. 26.
Silica vs. Ammonia: Report of Dr. A. R. Ledoux. Raleigh, North Carolina: "Farmer & Mechanic" print. Pp. 23.
A Fable of the Spider and the Bees. Compiled by the National Defense Association. New York. 1873. Pp. 61.
Hampton Tracts; Health Laws of Moses; Duty of Teachers: Preventable Diseases; Who found Jamie? A Haunted House. New York: Putnams. 1879. 8 cents each.
The Antiquities and Platycnemism of the Mound Builders of Wisconsin. By J. M. DeHart, M.D. Pp. 15.
On the Illumination of Lines of Molecular Pressure. By W. Crookes, F. R. S. London. 1878. Pp. 11.
Objections to the Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body. By a Physician who his seen an Angel. Philadelphia: Gross & Halloway print. Pp. 21.
Alcoholic Medication. By N. Newby, M.D. Spiceland, Indiana. 1877. Pp. 16.
Extent and Significance of the Wisconsin Kettle Moraine. By T. C. Chamberlin. From Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences. Pp. 36.
Yellow Fever. By J. Livingston. New Orleans: Hyatt print. Pp. 16.
Congress and the North Pole. By Captain H. W. Howgate, United States Army. Kansas City, Missouri: "Review of Science and Industry" print. 1879. Pp. 43.
Spencer's Social Anatomy. By H. M. Simmons. From Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Science. Pp. 6.
Thoughts on our Conceptions of Physical Law. By Professor Francis E. Nipher. Kansas City, Missouri: "Review" print. Pp. 9.
Printing and the Perpetuity of Modern Civilizations.—The subjoined remarks on the influence of printing on the permanency of our modern civilizations are from the able address delivered in August last before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, by Professor A. R. Grote, Vice-President of Section B:
Those who have brought together the story of the ancient civilization of Greece have agreed with unanimity that the separation between the mass of the people and the intellectual portion became at length insurmountable, and finally led to national destruction. This makes for our own view, that it was to a defect or incompleteness in the machinery for the dissemination of knowledge that we must ascribe the dying out of the older states. An intellectual aristocracy was established in Greece, which, in order to maintain its superior position, and thus, from natural and selfish motives, endeavored to prevent the spreading of new facts, but it was assisted in this action by the limitations which an ignorance of the art of mechanically duplicating writing threw around it. Philosophers have explained the fall of Greece, by considering it as a necessary step in the progress of humanity and the perfection of a future bloom of knowledge. And so in one sense it may be; but still exactly where the defect lay, and where there is a positive advantage in the conditions of modern civilization, and wherein modern civilization more adequately protects the state, have sometimes escaped them. To understand this fully we must