wood engraving, of many men of note connected with telegraphy in America, whether as inventors or as administrators.
Walks in London. By Augustus J. C. Hare. 2 vols, in one. New York: Routledge & Sons. 1878. Pp. 1,020.
"In these volumes," writes the author in the preface, "I believe all the objects of interest in London are described consecutively as they may be visited in excursions, taking Charing Cross as a center. The first volume is chiefly devoted to the city, the second to the West End and Westminster. . . . While endeavoring to make ‘Walks in London’ something more interesting than a guide-book, I have tried, especially in Westminster Abbey and the picture-galleries, to give such details as may suggest new lines of inquiry to those who care to linger and investigate."
Science Observer (Monthly). Volume II., No. 3. Boston: Amateur Scientific Society. Post-Office Box 2,725. Pp. 8. Subscription, 50 cents per year.
We observe with pleasure the continued success of this very meritorious little periodical. It appears to be particularly strong in the department of astronomy. The present number, for instance, has an elaborate article on "The Tides." This is the "leading article" of the number. The minor articles are on "The August Lyriads," "Mira Ceti," "Sun Spots," "The Intra-Mercurial Planet"; finally, we have "Ephemerides of Variable Stars."
Survey of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes and the Mississippi River, in charge of C. B. Comstock, Major of Engineers, and H. M. Adams, Captain of Engineers. With Charts. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1877. Pp. 100.
The work of this survey, during the year ending June 1, 1877, may be thus summed up: On Lake Erie the triangulation has been carried from Westfield, New York, to near Painesville, Ohio; the topography and hydrography have been carried from Ashtabula, Ohio, to Vermilion, Ohio; the latitudes and longitudes of sundry points have been determined; a line of levels has been I run between Escanaba and Marquette, to determine the difference of levels between Lakes Michigan and Superior; four charts of Lake Michigan, one of the St. Lawrence, and one of the Detroit River have been completed; the survey of the Mississippi has been carried from five miles above Cairo to a point eight miles above Columbus, Kentucky.
Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota (1877). With Maps. Minneapolis: Johnson, Smith & Harrison print. Pp. 225.
The first work undertaken by the officers connected with the Minnesota survey in the year 1877 was an attempt, and a successful one, to ascertain the causes of the foulness of the water in wells throughout the Red River Valley. It appears that, owing to the scarcity of building-stone in the valley, pine planks are used for curbing the wells, and to this cause is to be attributed the bad quality of the water, which in itself contains nothing that is unwholesome. Professor Winchell, State Geologist, with his associates, next examined localities in Wright County, where coal had been supposed to exist. At no point were Cretaceous beds seen in situ, though possibly they might be struck below the drift, in sinking a shaft. Preliminary reconnaissances were made into the counties of Goodhue and Morrison. The surveys of the following counties were completed, viz., Hennepin, Rock, Pipestone, and Rice.
The Minerals, Ores, Rocks, and Fossils in the Pacific Coast Exhibit at the Paris Exposition of 1878. San Francisco: Bosqui & Co. print. 1878. Pp. 99.
We have here a catalogue of the collection named above, preceded by an Introduction on the mineral resources of the Pacific States.
The Indian Question. Address by General Pope. Pp. 31.
The author proposes to locate reservations for Indians far in the rear of advancing emigration, in populous, well-ordered districts, where no hostility to the Indian is felt. Thus surrounded by good influences, the Indian might, the author thinks, become civilized, and perhaps eventually absorbed by the superior race.