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Scale," "Natural Filtration," and "Household Filtration." The two former sections will be read with interest by the civil and sanitary engineer; the last, that on "Household Filtration," directly concerns every family in the land. Too often the quality of water supplied to the inhabitants of our cities is truly described as in the following reply to a letter of inquiry: "When the river is clear we have clear water; when the river is muddy we have muddy water." Such a state of things necessitates the use of domestic filters, many different forms of which are described and criticised by Dr. Nichols.

The Old House altered. By G. C. Mason, Architect. With Illustrations. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. Pp. 185. Price, $2.50.

The problem here considered is one that is every day arising for solution—how to modernize and beautify an old house. In a series of chapters which take the form of familiar letters the author first describes the original form of an old mansion; then details the changes in its internal arrangement and in its exterior, necessitated by the requirements of modern life and of modern culture; finally, he tells us how these changes have been made. Nor does Mr. Mason restrict himself to the consideration of the purely architectural aspects of the problem, for the old mansion had to be transformed not only in itself, but also in its fittings and furniture. There is room for difference of opinion as to the desirability of such transformations, and most persons would perhaps think it the better way to pull down and build anew; but, if regard for an old house interferes to prevent its demolition, our author's plan of transforming and modernizing it will deserve to be considered.

Goethe's Faust. Erster Theil. With Introduction and Notes by James Morgan Hart. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. Pp. 286. Price, $1.25.

The first part of "Faust" forms Vol. IV. of Prof. Hart's series of "German Classics." The English student of German will derive from the editor's very brief grammatical and critical notes, and from his learned introduction, material aid in overcoming the difficulties of the text.

Practical Chemistry for Medical Students. By M. M. Pattison Muir. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., 1878. Pp. 64. Price, 60 cents.

The medical student will here find precisely that measure of information in practical chemistry which is absolutely indispensable for him to possess. The author's object is in no wise to "cram" the student for examination-day, but to put him in possession of a few chemical principles, and to familiarize him with certain chemical processes, without which he cannot hope for success in his chosen profession.

The Blessed Bees. By John Allen. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. Pp. 169. Price, $1.

Under this quaint title, Mr. Allen publishes the record of a year's experience and results in bee-keeping. Persons who may be thinking of engaging in that pursuit will doubtless learn much from this little book. Bee-keeping, by modern methods, the author informs us in the preface, is an art just as much as growing wheat or fruit or stock; the profits which may be gained from it are just as certain as the profits from any other branch of rural labor, and are much larger.

The Relative Proportions of the Steam Engine. By William D. Marks. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1878. Pp. 161. Price, $1.50.

A long-felt want is here supplied, viz., simple, practical formulæ for the determination of the relative proportions of the component parts of the steam-engine. Rankine appears to be the only author in English who has attempted to do this; but his treatment of the subject is so brief as to be obscure. The present work is therefore a very welcome contribution to the science of the steam-engine.

Flower-Painting. By Mrs. William Duffield. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. Pp. 46. Price, 50 cents.

The fact that this handbook of flower painting has already passed through twelve editions in England speaks well for its popular character. Like all the volumes of the series of "Art Handbooks" to which it belongs, it is a model of tasteful book-making.

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