ditions. This is probably the first attempt to study the subject in so thorough and systematic a manner as was done in the instance given. The observations extended through a period of three years, and fully justify the conclusion that neuralgic conditions have a close and very direct relation to atmospheric states or changes. Precisely what conditions of the atmosphere excite neuralgic pain is by no means determined. Dr. Mitchell says, "Either it is the combination (of conditions) which works the mischief, or else there is in times of storms some as yet unknown agency productive of evil."
A Review of the Birds of Connecticut. By C. Hart Merriam. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1877.
This catalogue of 165 pages is from No. 4 of the "Transactions of the Connecticut Academy," 1877, and is a valuable addition to the ornithology of New England. We are informed by it that 291 species of birds are found in the State. These are grouped in 47 families. Of these the scientific and common names are given, with copious notes on their habits and characteristics: 135 species are summer residents, 90 species are migratory only. The now familiar English sparrow is found in most parts of the State, and, so far as the author is aware, was first introduced into New England in the fall of 1858. At that time six birds were liberated in a large garden at Portland, Maine. The catalogue contains a list of works relating to New England ornithology, and is thoroughly indexed.
The Glacial Period in the Southern Hemisphere. By Thomas Belt, F. G. S. London, 1877.
In this pamphlet Mr. Belt presents many facts to show that extensive glaciation occurred in the Southern as well as in the Northern Hemisphere. It occurred in the southern part of Africa and of Australia, extensively in New Zealand and South America. His views in regard to elevation and subsidence of land in glacial times, and the development of ice, filling the beds of Northern and Southern oceans, so that the drainage of continents was arrested, the waters of rivers being "pounded back," probably will not be immediately accepted by practical geologists.
Poisonous Mushrooms. By J. Ott, M. D. Pp. 5.
The author's conclusions are that at least one species of mushrooms (Agaricus muscarius) contains a poisonous alkaloid, muscarine, which is probably the poisonous principle of all noxious mushrooms; and that, in cases of mushroom-poisoning, in addition to the usual treatment—emetics, stomach-pump, purgatives, and gallic acid—atropine should be administered subcutaneously.
Map of the White Mountains of New Hampshire, from Walling's Map of the State. Boston: Publication-Office of H. F. Walling, 1877.
This map is drawn to a scale of 212 miles to an inch, and comprises the principal part of the White Mountain region. It gives in detail the routes, principal villages, streams, and elevations, which are indicated by color, and points of special interest accessible to tourists. The topographical features are well defined. As a pocket-guide for travelers the map is indispensable.
The Young Scientist is a monthly magazine designed to interest young persons in scientific subjects, and to familiarize them with scientific experiments and habits of thought. But, while it addresses mainly a juvenile audience, the Young Scientist is not in the least puerile, and may be read with no little profit by older heads. We wish it success. New York: Published at 176 Broadway. Subscription, fifty cents per year.
Compendious German-and-English Dictionary. By William Dwight Whitney. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 905. $3.50.
Pottery: How it is made. By G. W. Nichols. With Illustrations. New York: Putnams. Pp. 142. $1.25.
The Boy Engineers. By Rev. J. Lukin. Same publishers. Pp. 344. With Illustrations. $.175.
Transmission; or, Variation of Character through the Mother. By G. B. Kirby. New York: S. R. Wells. Pp. 68. 25 cents.
Geographical Surveys west of the 100th Meridian. Vol. IV., Paleontology. Lieutenant G. W. Wheeler in charge. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 365 of Letter-press and numerous Lithographic Plates.
Transactions of the American Fish-Culturists' Association, 1876-77. New York: J. M. Davis print. Pp. 131.