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Contributions to North American Ethnology. Vol. I., pp. 361, with numerous Plates. Washington: Government Printing-Office.

For many years Prof. J. W. Powell, geologist in charge of the United States survey of the Rocky Mountain region, has made the languages of the Indian tribes an object of special study, the result being the collection of a large number of vocabularies. Having decided to prepare this material for publication, he invited the cooperation of the Smithsonian Institution, whose collections of similar materials are very extensive. Prof. Henry, secretary of the Institution, promptly consented to place in the hands of Prof. Powell all this material, consisting of several hundred MS. vocabularies, together with voluminous grammatical notes on the dialects of the Indians throughout the greater part of North America. This first volume of the "Contributions" is made up of two parts, the first, by William H. Dall, treating of the "Distribution, Population, Origin, and Condition, past and present, of the Native Races inhabiting our Extreme Northwestern Territory;" and the second by Dr. George Gibbs, on "The Indians of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon."

A Manual of Heating and Ventilation. By F. Schumann, C. E. Pp. 89. New York: Van Nostrand. Price, $1.50.

The design of this manual is to furnish to the hand of the engineer and the architect, in such shape as to be fitted for practical application, the formulae and data necessary for computing the dimensions and determining the other conditions of heating and ventilating appliances. A manual of this kind is simply indispensable to the professions for whose use the work was compiled.

A Manual of Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. II. The Metals. By T. E. Thorpe, Ph. D. Pp. 406. New York: Putnams. Price, $1.50.

The properties and combinations of the metals are here fully and clearly described, the text being very efficiently supplemented by numerous well-executed wood engravings. The volume belongs to the excellent "Advanced Science Series," published simultaneously in Glasgow and New York.

The Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club has been enlarged, the number of pages being now 48, whereas formerly it was only 24. It is gratifying to observe this sign of prosperity, and we have no doubt that the Bulletin is now on the highroad to assured success. It is eminently deserving of support from all lovers of the delightful branch of zoölogical science to which it is devoted. The Bulletin is edited by Mr. J. A. Allen, with the active assistance of Prof. S. F. Baird, and Dr. Elliott Coues, and the foremost ornithologists of the United States are frequent contributors either of set articles, or of brief notes of observation. For the scientific ornithologist, no less than the amateur, it is indispensable. Subscription, $2 a year. Address, Ruthven Deane, Cambridge, Mass.

The Silver Country, or the Great Southwest. By A. D. Anderson. Pp. 221, with Map. New York: Putnams. Price, $1.75.

The "Great Southwest" of this author is the "New Spain" of the period of Spanish power in America. In successive chapters the author describes the physical and political geography of this region; its wealth in silver and gold; other wealth than the precious metals, i. e., its agricultural productions, luxuries, and attractions, with sections on such topics as facilities for acquiring wealth, scenery, and wonders, antiquities, etc.; foreign commerce of Mexico; advance of railways. Finally, there is a very full bibliographical chapter on the "authorities" whose works have been of service in collecting materials for the work.

A Guide to the Determination of Rocks. By Edward Jannettas. Translated from the French by George W. Plympton, C. E, A. M. Pp. 161. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1877. Price, $1.50.

This is a plain, brief, but comprehensive introduction to the study of the more common rocks, and of the minerals of which they are composed. The English synonyms for the rock-names are from Von Cotta's "Rocks classified."

Part III., giving the method to be followed in the practical determination of rocks, will be found of especial value to beginners.

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