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D. Anderson. New York: Putnam's Sons. Pp. 221. $1.75.

Mechanics of Ventilation. By G. W. Rafter, C. E. New York: Van Nostrand. Pp. 96. 50 cents.

Golden Songs of Great Poets. New York: Sarah H. Leggett. Profusely illustrated. $5.

The Action of Medicines. By Dr. I. Ott. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston. Pp. 168. $2.

Notes from Chemical Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. Nos. 4-8.

Mansill's Almanac of Planetary Meteorology. 1878. Rock Island, III.: R. Crampton. Pp. 60. 50 cents.

Ueber die als echt nachweisbaren Assonanzen der Chanson de Roland. Von A. Rambeau. Pp. 38.

Are the Indians dying out? Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 42.

Mound-making Ants of the Alleghenies. By Rev. H. C. McCook. Philadelphia: Sold by J. A. Black. With Plates. Pp. 43. 75 cents.

Relation of Moisture in Air to Health. By R. Briggs. Philadelphia: W. P. Kildare print Pp. 33.

Papers read before the Pi Eta Scientific Society. Troy: The Society. Pp. 40.

The Preliminary Arctic Expedition. Washington: Beresford print. Pp. 32.

Report of the Asylum at Walnut Hill, Hartford, Conn. Pp. 20.

The Heavenly Bodies; How they move. By D. McDonald. Montreal: Gazette print. Pp. 45.

Immortality. By W. Bross. Chicago: Jansen, McClurg & Co. Pp. 8.

Direct Process of making Iron and Steel. By C. M. Du Puy, C. E. Philadelphia: W. P. Kildare print. Pp. 12.

Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. By Dr. H. Howard. Montreal: Gazette print. Pp. 13.

Every Saturday (weekly). Buffalo: D. Welch. Pp. 12.

A Decimal Gauge for Sheet-Metal and Wire. By R. Briggs. C. E. Philadelphia: W. P. Kildare print. Pp. 13.


Meyer's Electrical Apparatus for Beginners.—We some time ago noticed the admirable little work on electricity by Prof. Tyndall, which grew out of a course of holiday lectures to a juvenile audience at the Royal Institution. This book, "Lessons in Electricity," is designed as a guide for beginners to go through a course of electrical experimenting. The main purpose that he had in view, in preparing this little volume, is thus stated: "I had heard doubts expressed as to the value of science-teaching in schools, and I had heard objections urged on the score of expensiveness of apparatus. Both doubts and objections would, I considered, be most practically met by showing what could be done in the way of discipline and instruction by experimental lessons, involving the use of apparatus so simple and inexpensive as to be within everybody's reach."

Of course there can be no experimenting without the necessary instruments, and, if the work is to be pursued so as to yield its proper benefits, the apparatus must be sufficient to cover a definite field of study. Prof. Tyndall has marked this out in his little volume, and given figures of the various articles that will be required. An ingenious pupil can do something—after a time he can do much—in the way of widening his resources for making experiments, but he will at first require that the tools be ready at hand. A philosophical instrument maker of New York, Mr. Curt W. Meyer, having been applied to for various articles suitable for rudimentary experiments in electricity, conceived the idea of meeting this demand by preparing the complete set of instruments needed for the illustration of Prof. Tyndall's book. These he has manufactured and put up in cases for transportation, so that those who wish to enter upon such a course of experiments will be spared all trouble in selecting or making the instruments necessary for the purpose. The price is such that many boys will probably be unable to procure it, but there are not many schools that by a little effort could not get the apparatus for the use of their pupils. Electricity is admirably adapted on many accounts for introducing the young to the scientific study of natural objects and agents, and in furnishing them with the facilities and equipments for the work Mr. Meyer has done them a very useful service.

Discovery of Mont Blanc.—Mont Blanc, the highest of the Alps, is, strange to say, a modern discovery. At least, no mention is made of this colossus of European peaks in any itinerary, or in any literary work whatever, till recent times. M. Charles Durier, in his work "Le Mont Blanc," says: "This mountain rises in the centre of the most populous and civilized states of Europe; it is, in fact, the axis around which European civilization has revolved and still does revolve; its height is considerable; it dominates everything in its vicinity, and, to make its appearance more striking on the background of the blue sky, its summit, though placed in a favored,

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