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reading in connection with college libraries; or the beneficial results that would be produced by the employment of art-museums in free public libraries. The report has been well managed and is well arranged. The literature is especially good, as the greater part of the writing has been done by the various librarians throughout the country.

The Theory of Color in its Relation to Art and Art-Industry. By Dr. Wilhelm von Bezold, Professor of Physics at the Royal Polytechnic School of Munich, and Member of the Royal Bavarian Academy of Sciences. Translated from the German by S. R. Koehler, with an Introductory Sketch by Edward C. Pickering. Illustrated by Chromolithographic Plates and Woodcuts. Price, $5.

The advantages of this work over others of a similar nature are derived from the fact that recognition is made of the recent progress in physiological optics. In the first part of the volume the theory of color is placed upon its proper basis in relation to science, showing the aid which the latter gives in the perception of colors, their system, and the law of mixtures. One of the leading features claimed for the book is its purpose to serve as a guide to the pictorial and decorative artist, giving him hints in regard to the color of leaves, of the sky, and of water; the use of Claude glasses; the effectiveness of small differences; the laws regulating the combination of colors, etc.

While the signature of the author is a good recommendation for the book, the names of Prof. Pickering and Mr. Koehler will greatly assist in the extension of its influence.

Chemia Coartata; or, The Key to Modern Chemistry. By A. H. Kollmeyer, A. M., M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at the University of Bishop's College; Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy at the Montreal College of Pharmacy; and Late Professor of Chemistry, etc. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston. Pp. 111. Price, $2.25.

The author has prepared this work "in the hope that it will prove useful to all who, from business occupation or from any other circumstance, may not have sufficient time at their disposal to consult the more voluminous works" which have been written. With the exception of brief introductory remarks to the different subjects, the book is composed of tables. The work is valuable merely from the convenience of referring to it, but could not be recommended to those who are beginning the study of chemistry, as there are many simpler and more comprehensive treatises on the subject.

Notes on Building Construction. Arranged to meet the Requirements of the Syllabus of the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education, South Kensington. Part II. Commencement of Second Stage or Advanced Course. London, Oxford, and Cambridge: Rivingtons.

This second part is in no respect inferior to the first, and the interesting manner in which difficult subjects are discussed tends to fulfill the prediction that the different parts, when united, would make up a "body of principles on the subject of great value to practical men." Some of the subjects which appeared in the first part are here treated more minutely, and others of a more involved nature are introduced. Among the latter are "Centres," "Stairs," "Riveting," "Fireproof-Floors," "Painting," "Paper-hanging," and "Glazing." A third part is to follow soon, completing the work.

Twenty-first Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Public Schools, for the Year ending August 1, 1875.

From this report it appears that the number of pupils in the day-schools during 1874-'75 was 35,941; in the evening-schools, 5,751—showing a large increase in the latter. Of the day-school teachers, the males form but ten per cent. No discrimination is made in the salaries in favor of male teachers, and a competent woman, in the position of "supervising principal" obtains a salary of $2,200 per annum. The salaries distributed in the year reported amounted to, $531,850. All departments of the public-school system are said to be in the most flourishing condition. In connection with the schools there is a public library which gives gratifying results of its usefulness.

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