Practical Botany, Structural and Systematic, etc. By August Koehler, M. D., Professor of Botany in the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York. Copiously illustrated. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 12mo, pp. 400. Price, $3.00.
The author, believing that "the study of botany cannot become truly profitable until a number of plants have been identified by the student, and their images received into his memory," has constructed a book which is an artificial key to "stimulate the unlearned," and act as a labor-saver to those already somewhat acquainted with the science. It departs from the ordinary system of classification, in being arranged according to the old dichotomal method. The natural tendency of this might, perhaps, be to suggest names rather than the association of principles. Those, however, who are desirous of rapid action, and speedy results, will find here a book for their purpose in a neat and convenient form.
Theory of Medical Science: The Doctrine of an Inherent Power in Medicine a Fallacy. The Ultimate Special Properties of Vitality and the Laws of Vital Force constitute the Fundamental Basis of Medical Philosophy and Science. By William R. Dunham, M. D. Boston: James Campbell. Pp. 150. Price, $1.25.
The title-page speaks for itself, and indicates the theory on which this book was written. The work was published with the hope that it might recover the "fundamental principles involved in a correct theory of medical science," assist the profession in the details of practice, and enable the non-professional to distinguish between quackery and rational practice. The author finds fault with the medical profession because it continues to follow the ancient interpretations of the science, but seems unwilling himself to adopt the results of those who are doing most for the furtherance of correct principles in regard to mind and body.
California Notes. By Charles B. Turkill. San Francisco: Bosqui & Co. Price, $1.50.
The "Notes" is a description or guide through different sections of California, in which the author conducts his readers to the places visited by him. Among the subjects represented in the book are, "San Francisco," "Into the Heart of the FootHills," "Calaveras County," "Gold-Mines," "The Yosemite Valley," etc. This volume is the initial number of a series.
Elements of Physical Manipulation. By Edward C. Pickering, Thayer Professor of Physics in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Part II., pp. 316. Price, both parts, $4.00.
This second volume, like the first, is designed as a special text-book for the laboratory. The text is made up principally of experiments, giving a description of the instruments to be used, and a plan of what is to be done. Among the subjects discussed are "Electricity," "Meteorology," and "Astronomy." The latter is a new feature in laboratory practice, but there is no reason why it should not be taught practically, as well as chemistry or physics.
The Religion of Evolution. By M. J. Savage. Pp. 253. Boston: Lockwood, Brooks & Co. Price, $1.50.
The Symbolical Language of Art and Mythology. By R. P. Knight. Pp. 267. New York: J. W. Bouton. Price, $3.00.
Essays on Mind, Matter, Forces, etc. By Charles E. Townsend. Pp. 404. New York: Somerby.
Chemia Coarctata. By A. H. Kollmyer. Pp. 111. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston. Price, $2.25.
Matter and Force. By J. K. Macomber. Pp. 100. Ames, Iowa: Agricultural College print.
Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism. By Thomas Inman, M. D. Pp. 187. New York: Bouton. Price, $3.00.
Elementary Hand-book of Applied Mechanics. By W. Rossiter. Pp. 150. New York: Putnams. Price, 75 cents.
Elementary Hand-book of Theoretical Mechanics. Pp. 146. Same author and publisher. Price, 75 cents.
Geological Survey of Indiana (1875).