Miller.—To the little castle.
Princess.—So! Then let us go on so as to escape that concert.
Miller takes the lantern, enters the woods. Princess follows him.
Scene IV
Zajíček, Zima
Zajíček enters from right foreground and looks about him.
Zima (Enters from rear on right; in a muffled voice).—Schoolmaster—
Zajíček.—Good heavens, again we are here! And that—
Zima.—Sh-sh-sh—silence, mention no names!
Zajíček.—Where are they?
Zima.—We will give them an echo. (Blows a short blast.)
Zajǐček at the same time plays it on the clarinet.
When the sound dies down, there is heard from the forest on the left, in the foreground, a hunter’s horn.
Zima.—That scamp!
Scene V
Sejtko and the preceding
Sejtko comes in, completely confused.
Zajíček.—You’ve certainly given it to us!
Sejtko.—And I’ve caught it!
Zima.—Where is Klásek?
Sejtko.—I don’t know.
Zajíček.—Let us give him the signal again! (Blows a short note.)
Zima, Sejtko blow a blast at the same time with him. They listen for a moment.
Sejtko.—Not a sound! I’ll bet he caught him!
Zajíček.—He should have caught you—
Zima (Suddenly).—Sh-sh-sh—don’t name that mighty being!
Zajíček.—Once again!
They blow, listen, and just then there is heard on the left from the forest a mournful piping on the clarinet.