Franc also stations the Justices of the Peace, each of whom is holding a white handkerchief, in which a legal scroll is enfolded; at the same time, he stations the Maids of Honor to the right and left, so that they form ranks from the throne to the front of the stage.
Magistrate (Begins reciting. His voice displays his excitement). Most serene, most gracious lady of highest station, our Princess! Eagerly—eh—the long eagerly anticipated day—
Courtier, who is observing the gathering through a lorgnette, turns toward the Princess.
Princess (Smiling).—Magistrate—
Magistrate.—So please you, yes, I was about to say—
Princess.—I am convinced of your devotion. I feel what you desire to express and I thank you and all the gentlemen for their manifestation of sympathy and for the royal welcome given me.
Magistrate (Confused).—So please you—we had no idea—be good enough to pardon me. I, I—this too—
Princess (Rapidly).—Do you wish to introduce the justices of the peace?
Krouzilka rushes out in front of the Princess and bows.
Magistrate.—Wait, wait!
Krouzilka (Stuttering).—N-n-now-a-a-I—
Princess.—Let him alone.
Magistrate (To Krouzilka, aside).—Slowly!
Krouzilka (Aloud, looking around him).—I know. (To the Princess. Begins slowly, with self-control, but soon falls back to stuttering.) M-m-most serene, m-m-most noble and honorable Pr-Pr-Princess.
Officer tremble. Magistrate glances furiously at Franc. Courtier struggles to appear serious. Princess, smiling, notices it.
Krouzilka.—We w-w-welcome Your G-G-Grace, n-noble and honorable—
Courtier.—Do you promise the loyalty of all the people? The laws!
Magistrate (Repeating to the Justices of the Peace).—The laws!
Krouzilka (Looking about).—Why, I h-h-haven’t as yet—
Justices of the Peace kneel before the Princess, pull the scrolls out of their white handkerchiefs and place them on the steps at the feet of the Princess.
Krouzilka does the same.