Scene VIII
The Princess, the Courtier
Princess.—You are more pessimistic each day, my dear count.
Courtier (With hidden reserve).—It is a pity that I cannot be happier as time goes on.
Princess.—So it is with me. And I ought to be most grave and dignified at this very instant, because I am arriving among my subjects (points to the window) and shall ride between lines of them. O, this is the seventh time in two weeks!
Courtier.—It must be so, since you decided to come here.
Princess.—But who ever expected this, who could stand this? So many boisterous welcomes, shooting and trumpeting, so much celebrating, so many speeches, and so much nonsense! (Points to the armchair.) See, they have adorned it already. To sit there again, for the seventh time, to listen—(Suddenly.) Please sit down there—
Courtier.—I? How could that be possible!
Princess.—Only now, for a short while. (Pressingly, lovingly.) Do sit down, quickly. (Urges him into the armchair.)
Courtier.—But Your Grace, I—
Princess.—Sit down and be still!
Courtier seats himself.
Princess (Stations herself in front of him, bows and begins).—Most noble, highborn—
Courtier (Getting up).—But Your Grace
Princess.—Be seated! (Continues.) The eagerly anticipated day—(Merrily) Do you recall that?
Courtier (Stands up).—Yes, indeed, but—
Princess.—You cannot bear to listen to it even for a little while? And I have had to sit like that six times already, and O, how long, how long each time! And today to listen to that speech again, the same thing everywhere, endless, hopelessly boresome, and to respond to it each time, and continually the same thing; and to be careful not to get confused and not to abash those who are congratulating me! (Affectedly pathetic.) Step down from the throne! It is said to be such a burden. So you were not comfortable on it; and I must mount it for the seventh time.
Courtier.—You desired to come here—
Princess.—Here, yes, away, away! Yes, away from the