Miller (Interrupting).—I will not ride out and I will not welcome her with congratulations—that’s my refusal. Because you want to cut down my old linden and take its plot of ground, because I am forced to defend my own property and ancient rights, for this should I be obliged to—?
Magistrate.—Rights! Rights! Ancient rights! For that very reason, because they are so ancient, they are worthless now. And as for the rest, rights or no rights, those from above gave me the orders and that is sufficient. And I should advise you that you do not go to court, that you give in—or what will you gain, what will you accomplish? Just give in, and forget what you call your rights.
Miller.—Forget? To forget my own good old rights? Whosoever forgets the blow with which they strike him remains a beaten dog, and whosoever forgets his own rights, let him be a servant, a slave! And you, if you had not forgotten from what you sprang, that you are of our blood—
Magistrate.—Silence! What boldness! Remember, sir, that I am fulfilling my duty; that is all. Then you will not go?
Magistrate.—You will not welcome her?
Magistrate.—But this young girl will go as a lady in waiting. Here you cannot defend yourself with any rights. She is an orphan and is the property of the nobility.
Miller.—But she is not from this estate.
Braha.—She certainly isn’t, no. I found her, I brought her here. They put us out everywhere; only here, in the mill, they took pity and received the orphan, the blessed child, as one of their own.
Magistrate.—But that is why she does not belong to them. (To Hanička.) You will dress yourself and come.
Hanička.—O, you will have a long wait!
Miller.—And even if she wanted to go, I should not let her.
Magistrate.—You madman! Don’t pretend you are a country gentleman. You are one of the subject classes and have your duties. And do not forget—(majestically, sternly) Down with the lantern and out with it above the door!
The moon begins to shine into the room.
Miller.—I’ll break it.