Burris.—And thanks to your skill . . .
Doctor (Taking his pulse)—As to that . . . Hm! Some slight temperature, as it seems. We shall measure it at once. (Placing thermometer under his arm.) I should have been with you sooner, but they needed me on the other side. Ah, please, please—let’s be calm before all else! And one word of warning. Since there seems to have been on the other side a trifling misunderstanding, I most humbly advise that my lord does not venture there until my lady herself sends for him.
Burris.—Ah, Doctor, the misunderstanding was not trifling. (Bitterly.)
Doctor.—Ha, ha, ha! I know them! I have not been coming to Harshaw thirty years for nothing. It was just such carryings on as this that cut down the life expectancy of the late owner of Harshaw. He spent many a night in this office when his lady began to get obstreperous up yonder. And a beautiful woman she was! Lady Erna has inherited her beautiful features and figure . . . and something else to boot. On the other hand Miss Lena, daughter of the first marriage . . . She had an angel for a mother! And the young lady has her disposition. She has always been here, a regular Cinderella, in spite of the fact that she is mistress here. Please don’t take me ill, sir. We two must speak out to each other without beating about the bush. Pity that she should have taken from her mother also something besides disposition . . . her eyes. That is something as deep as the heart. I shall say no more, sir, but just that