Radúz (Struggling with her, holding her by the arms).—By God himself I swear that I will kill thee! Thou thyself dost desire it: then suffer—(Raising the dagger.)
Mahulena (Restraining his arm).—Radúz, no! . . . That I will not allow. . . . Have pity on me! . . . (Taking the dagger frm him.)
Runa (Holding him).—Help! My faithful followers, help! Here I hold a murderer, a murderer! O . . . why do you delay! Where are you?
Radúz.—Her voice resounds powerfully: ah, they will hear her far away, and I cannot wrench my arm from her. . . . Give me the dagger, Mahulena, we are lost! . . .
Mahulena.—Radúz, I should die! . . . O, mother, let us pass! Have pity!
Radúz.—Thou pleadest vainly . . . Struggle only will save me—(Struggles with Runa.)
Runa (Struggling)—Thou wilt not overcome me! Help, my faithful followers! Whence dost thou get thy strength? . . . From thy despair? . . . Cursed slaves, why do you delay? . . . Who comes first shall have this crown as a reward! (Tears the diadem from her head with one hand; her hair falls in disorder.)
Radúz (Grasping her by the hair).—Now I have thee in my power—
Runa.—Whence dost thou get thy strength? . . . Coward! . . . Help! Help! O, curses on them! O, they have gone astray in the forest!
Radúz (Clasping her around the waist and dragging her to a tree)—Here thou mayst await thy faithful followers, but we shall find safety in flight . . . (Defending himself, he binds her by the hair to a stout branch which she cannot reach). Thy hair is long, thanks to fate.
Runa.—Curses upon thee, curses! . . . Still no one here! . . . Why did I not choke him . . . and her! . . . Why is it not possible for me to tear this hair? . . .
Radúz. —Now, Mahulena, quickly!
Runa.—Stay, Mahulena, hear yet a word! I am thy mother