Ctibor (Enters terribly agitated).—Zuzanka (correcting himself) my lady,—what is this terrible report which is making the rounds of the castle?
Zuzanka (Attempting to calm him).—People always say more than is true. What have you heard?
Ctibor.—Is it possible, this rumor in the air?—Oh I believe you! I believe, my lady, surely they have been lying to me. They only wished to frighten!
Zuzanka.—What did they tell you?
Ctibor.—I do not even wish to say (looking around),—then it must have happened here, in that room, the lair of the devil! (Pointing to the room.)
Zuzanka.—Well, but who has been telling you?
Ctibor.—It affected me like a lead of bullet. The women of the master,—pardon me, the mistresses Eliška and Lenka, came running to tell me they were on the very spot. And the room is dark and closed,—I shall surely go mad unless I learn the truth! Oh tell me, lady, kind lady, where is Polyxena?
Zuzanka.—Shake yourself out of your stupor, Ctibor. We must away from this spot, I will go with you before the master returns.
Ctibor.—Your words, lady, are like the wind which does not quench the flame but rather fans it the more.
Zuzanka.—Compose yourself; you must do nothing until we determine if this rumour be true. No one knows anything except that the lady was taken by force into that room—
Ctibor.—Then it is true! Oh give me the strength, my Lord, to tear these walls to pieces and bury everything, even myself, in their ruins! (Tears himself loose from Zuzanka, and looks for an opportunity to break through the door leading into the laboratory.)
Zuzanka.—Ctibor, wait, remember what you are doing! You are breaking into that room that no one, save the master and the wizard, dare enter. You are stirring up supernatural powers, and will ruin yourself and me!
Ctibor.—Closed, everything is locked so it might be kept a secret, that deed committed in the name of hell, whose faithful servant he surely is! But I will find a way to enter, and I swear by all the powers of heaven and hell that I will send all, everyone who may stand in my way, to the infernal regions! (Vanishes.)