Bilent (Advancing and making a sweeping bow).—Imprisoned, beauty, imprisoned by love, and for the love of Rozmberk.
(Polyxena screams.)
Scene I
Zuzanka seated at the spinning wheel; Ctibor stands before her, greatly agitated; later Kinský.
Zuzanka.—What are you saying?
Ctibor.—Not a sign of her anywhere. Hannewaldt has her hidden outside of his own apartments.
Zuzanka (Quickly).—Where else could she be?
Ctibor.—I do not know. I have been watching Hannewaldt’s apartments and I know that Polyxena did not return to them.
Zuzanka (With growing suspicion).—Then some one else surely knows where she is concealed. I must find out where she is, and if you should learn something in the meantime, Ctibor,—Then Kinský was right, after all.
Kinský (Appears in the door at the left, gloomy, cool, but courteous).—I am looking for the master of the castle, and instead I find the mistress.
Zuzanka.—I also am waiting for the master, and do not know what is delaying him.
Kinský.—I could, at least, lovely lady, offer a supposition.
Zuzanka (Quickly).—Mr. Kinský:
Kinský.—A supposition which would be suitable for your ears alone.
Zuzanka.—I will let you know, Ctibor, as soon as the master appears. (Ctibor leaves through the door at the left.)
Scene II
Kinský and Zuzanka
Zuzanka (Anxiously and fearfully)—What do you know?