Zuzanka (To Kinský).—The master was not ready, sir, to grant a request so to gain time for consideration he has gone for a walk in the garden.
(Bilent enters from the room, Rozmberk talking with him.)
Kinský.—I will not delay this matter longer, and the less so, lovely lady, if I can be assured of your assistance.
Zuzanka.—But your words must be calmer than they were a while ago when you were speaking of Miss Polyxena.
Kinský.—I did not wish to hint at anything more than this, that it seems to me that the master is following her attentively about and it may affect the request of her uncle which she also has at heart.
Rozmberk (Secretly to Bilent).—And Polyxena? (Bilent answers him.)
Zuzanka.—And as yet I am not certain that she has referred to Mr. Hannewaldt and his plans. But we will at least give close attention to everything. (Bilent walks away to Rozmberk’s room.)
Rozmberk.—Well now, brother, your request?
Kinský.—Is it possible for me to learn how soon you will decide or, better still, whether your decision is as yet made?
Rozmberk.—In regard to your mission? I have not as yet decided, but compose yourself. I think that the matter is not so difficult as it appeared at first. Wait until tomorrow, by that time I ought to be able to give you a definite answer, at least in some respects.
Kinský.—In some respects? I cannot yet hope for a complete answer? Then perhaps you will permit me to give you more information than I could give you in our first interview?
Rozmberk (Ironically and jestingly).—The Archduke has something else to tell me? (To himself.) Mr. Kinský is in a great hurry.
(All three seat themselves; Zuzanka near Rozmberk, with a a hand on his shoulder.)
Kinský.—That is so. For he does not ask for your support for himself alone, but he is hoping to see you, in the near future, in such a position as your past as well as your family summon you.
Rozmberk (Laughing).—As is known to you, brother, I am not accustomed to seeing members of the House of Hapsburg displaying any particular friendship for one another.