Ctibor (Jokingly).—A careful man!
Kinský (Excusing himself on the balcony).—Just a slight request! (Walks into the salon.)
Scene VII
Ctibor, Bilent and Kinský
Bilent.—Silence, Kinský is coming!
Kinský (to Ctibor).—My footman Sever is either somewhere near me, or else he must be in my room. Allow me to have him summoned, dear sirs. (Ctibor goes away, Kinský to Bilent.) I am fortunate, sir, to meet you here. Somewhat over a week ago, something was discovered in my castle. Whether this is but a small treasure, or one of nameless value, I shall rely on you to decide. I have purposely taken with me these two rings,—try them, sir, whether they are of pure gold or not. (Handing him the rings.)
Bilent.—I will tell Your Grace the result of my test this afternoon.
Kinský.—I should like to know at once; we were just now speaking of it on the balcony.
Bilent (With a bow).—I will fulfill your request. (To himself) He wants me out of the way for a while. (Walks away.)
Ctibor (Returning).—The chamberlain will be here in an instant.
Kinský.—I thank you, you youthful future knight.
Ctibor (Bowing).—I am still an attendant only, Ctibor of Ujezda.
Kinský.—Titles and honors fall easily to one of good family. If I do not forget you in the king’s court, you may yet rise higher than your present position.
Ctibor.—I still have that bold hope.
Kinský.—But your hopes may be fulfilled. Listen, I will