Réza.—What makes that Mr. Dušek so peevish?
Hlaváček.—You know—
Šimr.—We don’t know, man! Did you say anything to him?
Hlaváček.—Not a thing!
Šimr.—The crank! He changes with each moon’s quarter.
Bozena (Singing).—“That’s all because of love
”Hlaváček (Impatiently).—Hush, Bozena, hush!
Šimr.—To be sure! Just because she sings a little!
(Beats time.)
“That’s all because of love
Which joyous makes the world—
Hlaváček.—Hold your tongue, Šimr, please do!
Šimr.—Well, then, it isn’t! (Seats himself on the stool and swings his legs.) Just for that, I’ll tell you a fine story, Bozena. Well, then, once upon a time there were two sisters—one had had the small-pox and the other was named Marie. And those girls had two brothers and those brothers didn’t have any sisters—
Réza (Screaming).—Oh, we know that one!
Hlaváček (Shakes his head thoughtfully).—I wonder what’s the matter with Dušek? I never in my life would have said—
Šimr (Waving his hand towards the rear).—Look at him! Haven’t I always said so? All of a sudden we got too common for him—and all of a sudden they dropped him elsewhere, now he doesn’t know where to head in.
Hlaváček.—He’s in hard luck. Let him alone! (Šimr whistles.)
Réza.—How that man tortured me when I use to sit for him last winter! Once he actually threw me out.
(Šimr and Bozena laugh.)
Šimr.—And didn’t you freeze to death, Réza? Or were you dressed?
Réza (Laughing).—Well, that would have been fine—just that way!
Hlaváček (With a visible effort to lead the conversation to other subjects).—If those two sculptors don’t come, we’ll eat the stuff ourselves.
Šimr.—Holla! Vaníček said he was going to be home in the evening. (To Hlaváček.) Is he?
Hlaváček.—I don’t know.
Šimr.—We’ll ask. (He strikes the wall at the back of the room.)