Mrs. Heller's reception rooms. The chief reception room has appointments showing the taste and luxury typical of a wealthy family of Prague's most eminent circle. At the right an entrance to the front hall, in the rear an open door through which one can see into farther rooms likewise tastefully decorated. At the left side of the room there are windows, also a divan and a fauteuil arranged in a semicircle. The lights in all the rooms are burning brightly. Men in evening clothes, ladies in rich toilettes of light colors.
(Mrs. Heller enters from rear, dressed in a simple, tasteful gown as befits the hostess.)
(Nedoma enters at the same time from front hall.)
(Vlasák enters behind Nedoma.)
Mrs. Heller (Frankly).—At last, then, our doctor! (She extends her hand to Nedoma.) Ah, Dr. Vlasák! (Extending her hand to Vlasák.)
Vlasák (Kissing Mrs. Heller’s hand).—Are we not to be scolded gracious lady, for coming late?
Mrs. Heller.—What are you thinking of? You are practically the first ones. Only the Daneš and Mr. Dušek have arrived as yet. (Quickly) To be sure—the artists also, Mr. Bláha and Miss Bukovský.
Nedoma. (Merrily to Vlasák).—There—what did I say? It is, my friend, still good form to come very late. (Draws out his watch and shows it to Mrs. Heller.) The company is invited for eight, is it not? Please note—it is half past eight—(He points to the face of the watch) and still we’ll wait longer!
Mrs. Heller (Laughing).—You are bad, doctor! Why, Mr. Dušek is already here—
Nedoma (Cuttingly).—To be sure, I comprehend how it is Dušek wasn’t late!
Mrs. Heller.—and the Daneš. (With a smile.) And now, you don’t comprehend why Dr. Vlasák came late, do you?
Vlasák. (Hesitates).—But, gracious lady—
Nedoma.—Then it is really Miss Daneš?
Mrs. Heller.—Didn’t you know it, doctor? Oh, you must immediately offer congratulations!
Nedoma (Offering Vlasák his hand).—Should I?