Šimr.—And neither of us can get in a word because of Dušek!
Hlaváček (Seizes his hat).—Come on, Šimr, let’s go!
Šimr.—Oh, there’s no hurry. (Hesitates.) I say, Dušek, I hope we understand each other?
Dušek (calmly).—No, it doesn’t appear so. (A pause.)
Šimr.—I say, Dušek, would you lend me a florin?
(Hlaváček laughs boisterously.)
Dušek (Also smiles and then reaches into his pocket).—Here you are, you crazy fellow! (Hands him a florin.) And get wise!
Šimr.—And now—come with us!
Dušek (Indifferently).—Where?
Šimr.—Well, perhaps to “The Well.” There is bowling today.
Dušek.—No, no, I won’t go! I’ve had my fill of you today. (A pause.)
Šimr.—Dušek, do you need Réza these days? I’d like to daub at something or other.
Dušek.—Aren’t you through yet?
Šimr.—Oh, sure, but still I’d—
Dušek.—As far as I’m concerned—let her go to you. Any way I’m going to begin the portrait.
Hlaváček.—And what about this? (Points to the large picture.)
Dušek (Cuts him off).—You won’t finish it for me!
Hlaváček (Jams his hat down on his head).—My respects! Come on, Šimr!
Šimr (Offering Dušek his hand).—I thank you, Dušek, for the time being—and don’t be angry!
Dušek.—You litle fool! (Indifferently.) My respects! (Šimr and Hlaváček depart.)
(Dušek gazes intently at his picture, shakes his head—and slowly, hesitatingly takes it down. Then he places it in the corner, with the canvas side to the wall. He seizes Helen’s photograph and standing at the window, remains gazing at it steadily.)