Protect His chosen, atill. Yet even His favor
Our enemies would twist into a curse.
Beholding the deBtroying angel smite
The foul idolater and leave anscathed
The gates of Israel — the old cry they rsiee —
We have begotten the Black Death — we poison
The well-springs of the towns.
God pity us !
Bat truly are we blessed in Nordbausen.
Such terrors seem remote as Egypt's plagues.
I warrant you our Landgrave dare not harry
Such creditors as we. See, here comes one,
The greatest and moat liberal of them all —
Siisskind von Orb.
SiJssKiND vOK Okb, Liebraid. and Reuben enter, all pass across the stage, and disappear within the Synagogue.
I 'd barter my whole fortune.
And yours to boot, that 'e thrice the bulk of mine,
For half the bonds he holds in Frederick's name.
The richest merchant in Thuringia, he —
The poise of his head would tell it, knew we
How has his daughter leaped to womanhood !
I mind when she came toddliog by his hand,
But yesterday — a flax-haired child — to-day
Her brow is level with hie pompous obin.