portion of the Jews dwelt among Christians, while the majority lived in Asia and enjoyed a certain in- dependence. There remains only the condusion that Faolus has tested the new dogmas and found them sufficient. . . . Allorqui therefore begs him to communicate his convictions and vanquish his pupil's doubts concerning Christianity. Instead of the gen- eral spread of divine doctrine and everlasting peace which the prophets had associated with the advent of the Messiah, only dissension and war reigned on earth. Indeed, after Jesus' appearance, frightful wars had but increased. . . . And even if Allorqui conceded the Messiahship of Jesus, the Immaculate Conception, the Resurrection, and all incomprehensi- ble miracles, he could not reconcile himself to the idea of God becoming a man. Every enlightened conception of the Deity was at variance with it."
[Page 77 et seq. Volume 8, Second half, Graetz' History of the Jews.]
Mabbaso. — See Verse xiz., Line 7tb of " Stdstle.**
The enforced recipients of baptism who remained in Spain formed a peculiar class, outwardly Chris- tians, inwardly Jews. They might have been called Jewish-Ckristians. They were looked upon with suspicion by the Christian population, and shunned with a stUl more intense hatred by the loyal Jews who gave them the name of Marranos, the accursed. [Page 73.]
- Master, if thou to thy prides* goal should come,
Where wouldst thou throne — at Avignon or Rome ? ** Verse xzriii. 7, &
This sentence occurs in another Epistle to Paulus by Profiat Duran.