The nembla of the romance in soene of my own life-only the Park of Berlin han beoOme the Alcalde's garden, the Baronesa SeƱora, and myself St. Georgs, Apallo. This was only to be the firnt part of trilogy, the second of which ahows the hero jeered at by hi own olild, who does not know him, wbilst the third disoovers this hild, wbe has beoome a Dominican, and i torturing to the death hia Jewish brethren The refruin of thesa two pieces corresponds with that of the firat. In- dead this little poem was not intended to excite langhter, still las to denote a mocking pirit. I merely wished, without any definite purpose, to render with epia impar- tiality in this poem an individaal cireumatanoe, and, at the aame time, something general and univeral-mo- ment in the world'e history which was distinctly reflected in my erperience, and I had oonceived the whole ides in a pirit which was nything rather than aniling, but meriona nd painful, Bo muoh so, that it was to form the first part of tragio trilogy-Heine's Correspondance.
Guided by thes hint, I have endeavored to cary out in the two following ariginai Ballade the Poet's irat conception
Emma Lazarus
Not lad in Saragossa
Nobler-featured, haughtier-tempered,
Than the Alcalde's youthful grandson,
Donns Clara's boy Pedrillo.
Handsome as the Prince of Evil,
And devout a St. Ignatius.