Lift the corpse and pray.
Shall we neglect God's due obseryances.
While He is manifest in miracle ?
I saw a blaze seven times more bright than fire.
Crest, halo-wise, the patriarch's white head.
The dazzle stung my burning lids — they dosed.
One instant — when they oped, the great blank cloud
Had settled on his countenance forever.
^ Departed brother, mayest thou find the gates
Of heaven open, see the city of peace,
And meet the ministering angels, glad.
Hastening towards thee ! May the High Priest stand
To greet and bless thee ! Gk) thou to the end !
Repose in peace and rise again to life.
No more thy sun sets, neither wanes thy moon.
The Lord shall be thy everlasting light.
Thy days of mourning shall be at an end.
For you, my flock, fear nothing; it is writ
As one his mother comforteth, so I
Will comfort you and in Jerusalem
Ye shall be comforted. [Scene closes,
^ From this point to the end of the scene is a literal
translation of the Hebrew burial serrioe.