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Folio, half-bound boards, India proofs, 2ts.

Blake (William).

Etchings from his Works. By Winutam Bett Scort. With descriptive Text. "The lest side of Blake's work is op here, and makes a really attractive rwlume, which all can enjoy . . ie etching ts of the best kind, more wad delicate than the original work, savers Roca <a {{rule}} Crown Svo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, 7s. Gd. Boccaccto's Decameron; or, Ten Days' Entertainment. Translated ao English, with an Introduction by THomtas Wricut, Esq., » "S.A. With Portrait, and STOTHARD's beautiful dorsieiiion {{rule}} Price One Shilling Monthly, with Four Illustrations. Belgravia Magazine. the purpose with ch "BELGRAVIA" was originated has been fulpted, it shown by the popularity that has attended tt since its first apfearance. Aiming, as may be inferred from its Matte at sudiiys the most refined and cultivated section af London socie, intel Aabalton tailed to its requirements, tf sprang at omce into pu le. aie and has since pohonived one of the most extensively read and widely circulated af oe Tn pasting info new hands it has experienced m siructurad mod; erected energy and incrensed enpital have been cmpned' in fe tae at to the highest standard of excellence, dut all the features that had udlic appreciation oe noes retained, and the Magazine still secks its "srincifat in the ia. As the means rough which the writer most reaches the ved 'ef, the general public, and in consequence as the most int sent ete ants én the estadliskment of morals and the formation on of. character, fesion ot will remains a principal feature in the Magazine. Tio Serial Stories accordingly rin't tts gages 5 F pa entet by si furies same and ie or dramatic Shetche, ist Estays, Social, Bi ad Hisnto covertes f Bate x, to the level of eee. comprakensiom and (ehadidt a@ light touch > Pastry, of the highest « drenture and foran 'the remaining portion et the nano Te pf care is mow bestowed the illnstrations, of which ne feuwr than four appear in cack number. the design of suet the sree they SOEs. eagae. aint at mein taining a position at art, as repay drawing engrayingin re whatever claints the Magazine before potsessed to Jawour have nove enhanced, and the Publishers can Out leave the vesull te a public thet has Saitek nee eon all earnest, persistent, and well-directed Sorts for ts ameuse~ mend a

The THIRTY-FIFTH Volume of BELGRAVIA, eleganil bowled in ns cloth, fill gilt side and back, gilt edges, price 73. 6d., is -e ready. —Handsome Cases for binding the volume can be had at 23. each.

Third Edition, crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 6s.

Boudoir Ballads:

Vers de Société. By J. Ashby-Sterry.

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