< Page:Poems Dramatic and Miscellaneous, Warren, 1790.djvu
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♦ When virtue arms, and liberty's the prize,, No cloud ihould fet on brave Don Francis' brew*. The love of g!ory, viftory and fame, A noble fenfe of dignity and wortlj^^ Is the beft birth right of Caftilia's fons :"— Inur'd to glory, and the feats of war, Our fathers held their freedom from the gods. A jealoufy for freedom kept alive Precludes the fofter pafllions of the mind. Don Francis. ' Nurs'd in the fierce and lioftile field of <tar^ I, from long anceftry, may boldly claim That innate force and vigour of the mind * Which mocks the fenfe of danger or ef death f But yet Louifa wakes my foul to love. De HarQ*s filter has ten thoufand charms j But ah I — the daughter of Velafco chills, ^ * And horror opes the gates of wild defpair, ^^h v? As if the fates forbad a difiant hope. Don JvAN &B Pawlla. Spurn thefe foft fetters — fly the fond difguife^ Ere it unnerves the vigotir of thine arm— ^ Let freedom be the milirefs of thy heart ;— «• She calls to arms, and bids us draw the Aord :-— Come, cloir thy brow,, and whet the pointed fteti^ To crufli the foes of liberty and, Spain. Don Francis. I would fufpend, but ne'er externein<att The nobleft paflion of the human foul j That foftens the ferocious bread of man» And checks the ruder billows of the mind* Don Juan de Padilla^ Not like the lover, but the herq talk — The fword muft refcue, or the nation fink,. Aad itized by Google

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